Otherworld Myth in The Savage Woods | World Anvil


In Manashin tradition, spirits, tricksters, and demons reside in the Otherworld. They say that it is a parallel realm made by the Creator to seal away all the mistakes and accidents that occurred when she made the world.   Later, the spirit Chuhe was banished there, along with the souls of humans Chuhe had corrupted. While the Creator reigned in the physical world, she was able to keep the Otherworld sealed. After she dispersed herself into tausai, she could no longer keep the gates barred, allowing things from the Otherworld to sneak back into the human world. The barrier between the worlds is said to be at its thinnest during the winter and summer solstices, and extra protections are needed against the increased number of spirits around those times.   There are stories of humans travelling to the Otherworld. Most of these stories involve the Doorway, a mythical portal between the worlds. The Otherworld in these stories is described as being hot and barren, with alien trees and a blazing sun.   The Otherworld features in children's stories and traditional folklore, but most Manashins today do not seriously consider it to be a threat.