War Hounds

You should always have a dog with you, even in a war; they are more trustworthy than your fellow man will ever be. - Vatian Dog Handler



The handlers of these dogs must be present to ensure that they are kept under control. Each Handler can range between one to five dogs to care for. It takes one to handle the dogs, but many require more handlers to take care of them and feed them.


Armor: To add better protection to the dogs, some are given armor to protect them from arrows and bladed weapons.


Fangs: War hounds are bred to have strong jaws to tear into flesh and break bones.   Blade Collars: Some War Hounds are equipped with collars covered in blades, often to cut anyone they run past or try to grab their collar.


Handlers: The Handlers of the hounds are in control of them at all times and listen to their every command, creating a solid connection between them.


Watch Dogs: War Hounds are often placed around camps to guard them and alert them of enemies nearby, but they will often chase after them and attack them, with is quite dangerous due to their strength and spread. Especially at night, as most War Hounds' fur coats are black, making them hard to find in the darkness and only being able to hear them before they attack.   Spreading Fear: The main idea of War Hounds in battle is to spread fear amongst the enemy when facing them. Considering that these dogs are trained to kill and often sent out by the dozens or hundreds can make even a trained soldier intimated. Cause formations to be disrupted as the dogs take down and larch onto anything they can get their teeth into. The same can be said with cavalry units, and the hounds will scare the horses of their riders, disrupting charges and making them break formation.   Hunting: War Hounds are trained to hunt down anything, whether wild game to escaped criminals. It is difficult for anything to escape these dogs due to their nature. The only way to truly escape them is by killing them. However, that will not be as easy as they think since they do not hesitate to attack their target. A pack of hungry dogs can take down even bears if needed, and no one is safe from them.


Disciplined to Obey

  War Hounds go through long periods to train to become beasts of war and go through considerable tests to prove themselves capable. Often following commands through a reward system for listening to these commands. Knowing that the dogs will be taken care of, they will obey their handler without hesitation. Many would remain by their handlers and not do anything until they were told to do so, making them highly tamed and safe to be around in the armies they were in. Each one is taught to distinguish their friends and foes and to be alert if they are near to warn those around them or to attack them. But most of all, they were trained to ignore noises and large numbers of people in battle to continue their attack.  

Bred to Kill

  All war hounds are trained to take down animals much larger than themselves, including people. This was done by feeding them the flesh of the creatures they hunted, often while still alive, to hone their killing instinct. Many of the people used were often criminals and prisoners of war, used to become literal food and torn apart by the hungry pack. These dogs would also be starved a little before a battle to make them more vicious and willing to attack the enemies they were sent to go after. Though this can sometimes backfire on the handlers, War Hounds have been known to bite the hand that feeds them or tear it right off, with some handlers missing pieces of themselves from their dogs being starved for too long.



War Hounds do not require much upkeep besides feeding and caring for, with most of it being cheap when marching with armies.


All dogs to be trained to become War Hounds are taken when they are pups by their handlers to obey their commands. Each hound is bred from a specific breed to ensure they are strong and capable of fighting. Most are male due to their aggressive nature, and females are avoided to stop unnecessary breeding if left together. Many of them are taken from breeders they sell to the military to earn money.


Dogs of War

  The use of dogs as war beasts go back to ancient times when they were used as hunting companions. However they did not reach large scale until the Beast Wars and the rise of Human nations. Many would be manly used by barbarian tribes to fight their enemies and sow chaos amongst their ranks. Many however they were only placed in supporting roles such as guard dogs and hunting when used by nation states. This would change with the Vatians seeing more uses for them in warfare. Along with breeding stronger breeds of dogs to create the War Hounds known today.   This practice spread to many parts of the world creating their own War Hounds to used in their armies. Allowing for more devastation among their enemies by these deadly and trained animals. Though many of these breeds would die out eventually once they became outclassed by their superiors and armies would turn away from them for other pursuits in warfare. Though armies that continued to hone their skills to become the best of the best. Making them killing machines that could take on even the most dangerous of beast and soldier imaginable without hesitation.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Dog Breeds

My hounds are the best breeds you will ever find anywhere this part of the empire, just look at them, truly majestic and intimidating - War Hound Breeder
  Many breeds of War Hounds can be used to fight in battle, but only a few are chosen to be superior to their brethren.   Kornes: A breed hailing from the Vatian Empire that is famous due to its aggressive nature and strength. They are often used in the empire's legions and guard dogs by the upper classes due to their unwavering discipline to obey their masters. They are much larger than most other War Hounds and never back down from a fight, no matter the odds.   Londern: Hailing from the southern lands of Ardania, these War Hounds are known for their speed and keen sense of smell to find anything they are hunting. The nobility primarily uses them to hunt games. Still, some are used in their armies to alert soldiers of any dangers that may be nearby or even as messengers due to their speed being able to track anyone down just by scent alone.   Osterth: A War Hound that originates from the far north of Norria, they are known for being the largest of War hounds and their calmness under pressure. It is a commonly used to fight large foes twice their size and are able to take them down withtheir bone crushing jaws . Their size alone is able to plow through formations and knock an opponent of their feet as if they were hits by a horse. They have also been used for labor as are able to pull things twice their size.   Undari: A War Hound whose origins come from the Eastern Lands and the Dark Continent, they are the smallest breed of War Hound that rely on stealth and endurance. Being able to remain in place, waiting for the right moment to strike for hours without making a sound. If they cannot do that, they will often run down their prey to exhaustion, being able to run for long periods before tiring.    

Loyal Companions

I’m telling you that dog hasn’t left that spot for hours, it won’t leave its owner’s side and anyone that came close almost got their legs bit off. - Bystander
  While War hounds are primarily used in the heat of battle, they can be used as companions to specific individuals that claim them as their owners. Unlike handlers that train them to fight and obey, a War Hound claimed by a single owner holds a deep bond with them. This is due to the affection that they show them, along with the companionship they give to them. Making them faithful and loyal dogs that will give their life for their owner.

Cover image: by MidJourney


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