Mountain Lion

The Mountain Fathers gave gifts to all of his children, the ram to climb any space, the Drake, the strength to rule, but the lion in its cleverness was given the gift of silence to kill without making a sound. - Mountain Kin Clansmen
  The Mountain Lion is one of the most feared and stealthiest predators on The Spine. Despite not being the largest predator in the mountains, it makes up for it by blending in with its rock environment and any plant life. It has also been known for not being able to make a sound, even while walking through snow, only to make a mighty roar when striking.

Basic Information


Mountain lions are quadrupeds with a brownish coat being larger than a dog with a feline appearance. Their legs are longer than most other cats that they use to climb, jump and dig.

Biological Traits

Dark Vision : Can see in the dark clear just as much in the daytime to hunt.   Shadow Step : A mountain lion can move around without making a sound allowing it to be a master at stalking its prey without even noticing.   Water Regulation: Can go without water for extended periods in areas without water sources.   Agile: Due to their lean bodies, they can move at incredible speeds and jump from large distances.   Upper Moutain: Mountain lions that spend much of their time in the upper mountains tend to be large and have lighter fur to blend in with the snow.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction is done sexually; it takes three months, with one to six cubs being born. Females will often mate every two years once after their cubs reach maturity and leave her.

Growth Rate & Stages

Mountain lions reach maturity between ten months to a year.

Ecology and Habitats

Mountain lions can adapt to cold and hot climates by shedding or growing their fur to control their body heat and through panting. They can adapt their hunting methods to take down large and small prey in the climate they live in. Their long legs make it easier to dig through rough terrain. They often find a cave or safe resting place to protect themselves from the elements and predators.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mountain Lions are ambush predators that strike their prey when they least expect. They often attack from high places such as rock faces and trees to kill their prey quickly. Most of the time, they bury their kills to return to them later to avoid being stolen from other predators.

Biological Cycle

Mountain lions hunt both day and night whenever they need to hunt and can thicken or shed they're to adapt to the temperature of their environment.


Mountain lions are solitary creatures that spend much of their lives alone and fighting over food and territory from other predators and their kind. It will hunt anything considered smaller or unable to fight back, seeing it only as food. Mountain lions are only seen together when they mate, with the females only caring for the young.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are solitary creatures that spend much of their lives alone and have their territory to hunt in. When confronting another of their species, it will often be to fight over territory or to mate.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Lions are generally hunted for their fur to be made in coats or displayed as hunting trophies. But some people eat its meat despite not tasting well because of its bland taste.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mountain lions make their home in the mountains of The Spine and can be found across its long reach from its lower regions to its upper peaks. They can be seen on both sides of the mountains in the Western Lands and the Eastern lands as they can adapt by growing or shedding their fur to control body temperature.

Average Intelligence

Mountain lions are smart enough to prepare ambushes and wait patiently for prey to pass, along with navigating through rough terrain and knowing where to move.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hearing: Excellent   Smell: Good   Sight: Great
Scientific Name
Class: Natural
5 - 10 years
Average Height
30 - 40 inches
Average Weight
75 - 200 pounds
Average Length
8 - 10 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
brown, light brown
Geographic Distribution

Spiritual Embodiment

We ask that only the lion guides us to our final rest on the peaks of the mountains, for they are death itself, and death always guides those to where they belong - Shaman
  To the Mountain Kin that live upon the mountains, they are often the representation of death due to their silent nature and are greatly revered the guides to the dead when they pass from this world. However, they are given the duty to hunt down those that try to cheat death, often in the form of a shadow that they will never be able to escape until they finally accept their fate. While killing one that hunts you is allowed, one will never end well as they tend to get the drop on any hunt that treads too close to them as they chase death by doing so.  

Elusive Hunters

You will never know when the embodiment of death may appear, for they never make a sound - Hunter
  A mountain lion never makes their presence known to anyone, not even a Human, and can easily pass by without being seen by them. It makes them deadly hunters in the first place, hunting anything that would be a meal for them. They will often hunt anything when food is scarce and have been known to attack livestock and Humans when it comes down to starving. But no one will ever know when an attack will come until they strike, and often when it is too late.  


You call that climbing, a lion could do better than that - Tribesmen
  Due to their long legs, mountain lions can climb to most places within reach. This allows them to reach difficult areas for other animals, such as jumping from rock to rock and climbing trees. This often allows them to travel much faster and stalk prey without being seen by them. This can be challenging for those trying to hunt them, and they can get away to safety as most animals cannot climb as well as them.


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