We Ain't Serial Here Tradition / Ritual in The Rosepetal | World Anvil

We Ain't Serial Here

Public socioanthropological record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

A light-hearted initiation ritual among the nullvox memberbase of the Three Tails, where new recruits are encouraged to remove their ownership chip and claim a personal name.  

Etymology & Definition

The ritual doesn't have an official name, but tends to be referred to by the quote 'we ain't serial here' recited by Cookie at least once during the ritual.  


The custom started with the overly social and gregarious Cookie, after setting up their bar called 'Cookie's Jam' at the base, beginning to invite fresh recruits to come share their story in exchange for free drinks.   One of those initiates, the yet unnamed Degauss, inquired how one went about getting a real name for themselves. After many drinks, chatter, and enjoyment, the present at the bar had - mostly as a joke - brainstormed together a little ritual to picking a name and making it 'official'. None present had really expected Degauss to actually seriously wanting to go through it.   Since then, the ritual has seen a lot of refinement into its current form, and is a widely appreciated custom that's believed to help new members embrace their new freedom, feel like a part of the group, and that it breeds camaradie.  


The custom is most prevalent among the nullvox populace at the base, but anyone who partake in the ritual (or an adaption thereof) is more than welcome to.  


Anyone who happens to be at Cookie's Jam at the time, and wants to participate.  


Any recent recruits are offered by their seniors to come along and hang out at Cookie's Jam during the end of their first day at the base.   There they're put at the center of attention, offered free drinks by Cookie while given the opportunity to share how they got to the base and just generally get to know other members.   This has near always eventually led to the recuits eventually ending up in the spotlight as they get their ownership chip removed. Cheered on by new friends they get to crush it and throw it away while declaring their rights to freedom and an identity as a person by announcing they name they want to go by from then on.   To celebrate each of their declarations and their new life, Cookie composes a short, heroic-sounding and half-serious song incorporating notes from stories they've told them. Should Juoyjin be present (which they often are nowadays) they'll offer to sing it out loud. If they're not there, Cookie typically sings it themselves over their noisecombobulator.   Every song is recorded on a datacard, marked with the name, and put up on the wall behind Cookie's counter.  

Short and Sweet

It's become common for nullvox members of Three Tails to purposefully choose short names. And there's about as many picking symbolical and code-like names as there are those picking entirely nonsensical ones. This has given rise to names such as Ampersand, Crimp, Fluster, Gawk, Pixel, and more.   This is a stab at their former lusoyan masters' tendency to have parsec-long, overcomplicated names that no one in their right minds would be able to pronounce without having an aneurysm.

Anthropological Data

Practiced By
Free Tails
Members of Three Tails
Uushi Mining Station
Cookie's Jam

Cover image: by geralt


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Jul 24, 2023 15:55 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like this. I bet it is quite emotional for some, despite the fact it's done in a quite lighthearted way.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 27, 2023 17:43 by Nimin N

It came out a lot better in the rewrite than I expected. But you gave some food for thought on what to expand with later - a bit more depth on the meaning and how participants perceive it, maybe some brief story snippets shedding light on different individuals personal experience. I'll make a small note on it. :)

Aug 20, 2023 13:28 by Rin Garnett

Yesss name picking ceremonies!! I could write a dissertation on how important names are, and any culture that encourages people to choose their own gets a +1 in my book. This one in particular reminds me a bit of the clones in the Star Wars Clone Wars series. They're only given ID numbers, but many choose names later on like Rex, Cody, Fives, etc.   Also love your idea of adding some info on individual experiences later, it would be so fun to see what names they gave themselves and why :)

Aug 24, 2023 14:12 by Nimin N

Thanks! And yeah, I felt a custom about choosing a personal name could be an easy but still effective way to prove/announce to themselves and others that they've rejected their past and take up the right to feel and act as individuals, just like all other sapient species. :)