Summer Camp 2023: Giants, and Dragons, and Dwarves, oh my! in The Ring of Fire and Dragons. | World Anvil

Summer Camp 2023: Giants, and Dragons, and Dwarves, oh my!

Summer camp here in World Anvil has become an event I plan my year around. A year of campaigning in Wildemount and in Awsranka has generated spiralbound notebooks filled with random new lore, NPC's that need a backstory, and unexpected events with implications for the communities on which my players' characters depend. I am itching to get it all captured in an "organized" fashion here. "No vacations during July," I *calmly* state during discussions wth my family. All campaigns are on hold, the schedule is cleared. July's calander is filled with notes of twitch streams to follow, writing goals, and prompt drop dates.


Last year I learned a lot about the templates, how to use images, and using bb code to format my text. Without the focus and encouragement of summercamp and my fellow campers, I would have never gotten so comfortable with this amazing tool that is World Anvil. I remain in awe of others who create visual content with css that so beautifully captures the spirit of their world, enriching the reader's experience, and encourageing engagement. Perhaps someday I too will gain some proficiency in that language. So this year I will dabble a little in custom css, but stil focus more on creating content, and better using the overall tools provided by our master coders (yes, Demi, you and your team).


I want to thank all the denezens of World Anvil in advance. Thank you for sharing your worlds; the expanse of your creativity is truly breathtaking. Thank you, especially, for the generosity you display in sharing "how to" and tips for design and increasing reader engagement. Without your encouragement, I would have been so intimdated. Instead I am inspired to keep working, keep learning...

Note: I wanted to make sure the tagged links were working (they weren't) and started to fix them, but then realized that updating the taggs might count as editing, and I didn't want to risk disqualifying myself. So, apologies for this list of entried being incomplete.


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Jul 3, 2023 06:46 by Tara Fae Belle

Woohoo! Have fun this July - It will be wonderful to see what you write!

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Apr 26, 2024
~ Happy wording!