The Second Law of Thermodraconics Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Ring of Fire and Dragons. | World Anvil

The Second Law of Thermodraconics

Abstract   Critics of the proposed "First Law of Thermodraconics" have mantained that our theory violates the one of the fundamental experiences of a spell caster; that is that the weave favors physical law, and resists arcane efforts. That an organizing principle must be present for randomized arcane energy to produce a new potential dragon. Thus, only divine favor (vis a vis Bahumet) is able to bring an egg into being. In our response we will show that current theories of arcane energy do not preclude the formation of dragon eggs via natural and predictable mechanisims. In fact, certain powerful archane events have affected the usual distribution of lay lines and energy wells. In combination with the establishment that we don not experience the whole of the closed system of our plane, we dismantle the idea that dragon eggs appear "ex nihilo" or "ex dieus machina".   Principles A Spell is a controlled burst of arcane energy, organized to change the weave of reality in order to achieve a particular effect. The weave itself is resistant to being changed, causing most active spells to dissipate after a short time. Thus, the amount of arcane energy needed to cast a spell is always greater than the energy expended in the effect. 1 This is consistant with natural laws regarding the movement of heat.   In a closed system, Arcane energy only moves from a higher charged area to a lower charged area. This is a universally understood fact, as any spell caster can attest. Sadi posited that more tension is applied to the weft in any spell related alteration: the more profound a change, or extended duration, the more arcane energy is required. In this case, the resistance of the weave is much like friction in mechanical work.   After publishing his survey of the Katarn battlefields, Ravamaer speculated that in certain cases the weave could be so affected that the local fabric of reality is damaged2, or even torn3, resulting in anomolous zones. Portals are a productive example of this, wild magic fields a dangerous one.


The arcane energy that the dragon has accumulated during its lifetime is suddenly released. Depending on the location, this can have mutagenic effects on nearby wildlife, cause instabilities in tectonic faultlines, disruptions of laylines, and even spontanious re-ignition of spent spells. However, the majority of the released arcane energy is dispersed to the surrounding region, sometimes coalescing into a seed, or egg, from which a dragon may hatch. The nature of the dragon is determined by the environment in which its egg forms.


The immediate area of dragon's death is often laid waste, taking several decades to recover - similar to a area ravaged by wildfire, or volcanic eruption (depending on the age of the dragon). A dragon of about 80 years may only cause a blast zone of about 100 yards in diameter. However, the death blast of an ancient dragon has been known to take out an entire mountainside and connected valley.
1"Reflections on the Motive Power of Spells," Notker Leodegae Sadi Cassyon, Kennniwick 1467. 2"A Survy of Anomalies in the Ruins of Katara," Kindreth Ravamaer, National Geopgraphic Press, Passiphaena, 1465. 3ibid.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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