Vega TalVo Character in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Vega TalVo

Vega is the eldest of the Tal'Vo children and with that titles comes plenty of responsibility. His father Vekinn TalVo has been grooming him to take over the family business for years. While he isn't a soldier, Vega believes in keeping a strong body and strong mindset in order to become wiser, and therefore works out regularly. He's a very talented sorcerer but falls short behind his sister Yen TalVo and his father Vekinn. Vega is very intelligent and while he tries to act humbly he does have a slight ego. He graduated top of his class at Lunar Academy , and has mostly taken over TalVos Rarities from his father. This duty also includes roaming Sorus in search for magical items that can be sold, and sometimes also trading in other cities. While on one of these trips with his younger brother Vone TalVo , Vega angered him mistakenly, which resulted in his dark black hair being seared off. He's had bright red hair ever since.

Vega mostly keeps to himself, taking after his father in that regard, though he can become a bit of a loudmouth when drinking. Vega cares deeply for his family and will do anything to keep them safe, above all else.

It is not unknown that Vega has always taken a liking to Maria Locke , and he can often be seen leaving her shop in the Solaris Noble District . Though Maria does create magical items for the Tal'Vo's to sell, there are rumors of romance.

Vone I need you to go with Yen-… yes really….Yen I'm sorry but I-…No, he is far too young…Yonny! Where is she…oh Mystra give me strength
-Vega trying to take charge of his family
Current Location
Bright Green
Long red hair kept in a top knot
Ruled Locations


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