Vone TalVo Character in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Vone TalVo

Vone Tal'Vo

Vone is very smart but also quite egotistical. While some would say he is the most intelligent of the Tal'Vos, this compliment is quickly offset by the fact that he's also violent and vindictive. Taking after his father Vekinn TalVo , Vone is a powerful fire sorcerer. Vekinn has even told him that if he wasn’t so lazy, he could perhaps one day win the Grand Tournament and become a member of the Solaris High Council and The Mageguard. When he was younger, Vone was enrolled in Lunar Academy but was kicked out many times for "suspected violent acts against other students" and low grades (due to his incredible laziness). Vekinn eventually stopped enrolling him altogether.

Vone is petty, jealous and feels entitled to success. He hates his older brother Vega TalVo for how much attention his father gives him. He also hates his older sister Yen TalVo for how much better of a sorcerer she is. He hates Yonny TalVo for how much everyone likes her despite her manipulative tendencies. Finally, he hates Vaan TalVo-Velassir simply for his existence. Vone finds common ground and comfort with his mother Yuna TalVo . He's inherited much of his wickedness and cruel attitude from her.

Yes, Vaan take this bag down that alley and try to make a sale or two. Don't be scared. You don’t want to disappoint father, do you? That’s a good boy…*walking away* Remember, don't lose anything, I'll wait for you here..hahaha
-Vone sending his 10-year-old brother to get robbed in the bad side of town
Current Location
Bright Green
Jet black, short wavy
Ruled Locations


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