Solaris Noble District Building / Landmark in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Solaris Noble District

The Noble district lies in the center of the city, away from the common folk. It surrounds the Eldalonde and is protected by some Arcane Protectors and two Stone Golems. Admission is typically easy as long as you look and act respectable. Here, you can find higher end magical shops, wealthy nobles, as well as the residence of many noble families. Other important locations, like the Solaris Bank , The Sanctorium and The Solaris Star can also be found here.

As you make your way through the Noble District, you notice something strange. A number of aristocratic nobles wander with pride, showing off their various body augmentations; gills, scales; cat like eyes, wings.
-DM describing the strange sight of nobles showing off the modifications obtained at the Monstrously Faboulous Parlor .

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