Mystra Character in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil


Goddess of Magic

Mystra is the greater deity of magic and the creator and protector of the Weave, which is the source of magic and the many energies and forces that exist around the planes.  

Typical worshipers

Mystra is worshiped by those who practice magic, particularly wizards and sorcerers, as well as those who rely on magic for their professions, such as alchemists, enchanters, and smiths. Her followers are typically interested in understanding and mastering magic, and may seek out knowledge and artifacts related to the arcane arts.  

Clerical practice

Mystra's clerics often serve as advisors and teachers to magic users, and they strive to maintain the balance and harmony of the Weave. They also work to protect against those who would abuse or corrupt magic for their own purposes.  

Rituals and prayers

Mystra's rituals and prayers are focused on the Weave and the proper use of magic. Clerics and worshipers often meditate on the Weave, seeking to attune themselves to its energies and understand its mysteries. They may also perform ceremonies to celebrate the power and beauty of magic, or to seek Mystra's guidance in their magical endeavors.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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