Dark Prophecy Document in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Dark Prophecy

A dark leather tome with the Symbol of The Order of the Keepers on the front. Written by Tyrdelius Chronolos Asquit the Second .

Chapter 1: Introduction

This book contains all current known information about the God of Murder, Bhaal.

The Dark Prophecy was created by the leader of the Order of the Keepers, Tyrdelius Chronolos Asquit the Second. It can be used as a method of communication for members of the Order but should be left for emergencies only.

Chapter 2: History of Bhaal the God of Murder:

Bhaal, also known as the Lord of Murder, also known as the Slayer, is a god who held dominion over the Realms of Sorus during the Age of Chaos. No history books before the Age of Chaos have been found. Bhaal has gained the adoration of many cultist groups. Many have attempted to bring him back to life, with no success. It is believed that his essence has been locked away on the Upper Planes of existence, preventing his resurrection permanently.

The writing here has been magically edited out (can be unlocked with an Order of the Keepers Adamantine necklace).

At the end of the Age of Chaos, we weakened Bhaal enough and successfully banished him back to The Abyss. The spear of Helm has damaged his soul severely enough that we're confident that he would perish if he left his domain. Upon clearing out the remaining monsters and banishing the Tieflings and Half Orcs to the North for their war crimes, we've decided to use the Nh’oa’Thi’all and the Orb of Creation's power to remove the continent of East Sorus from The Material Plane. We successfully plane shifted to The Elemental Plane of Water. After using the Rod of Storms to erect a barrier around the continent, we've used up the last of our legendary artifacts.

In 106AC, I became aware that some gods started searching for East Sorus, as their agents were scouting The Feywild. Becoming fearful of what could happen if Sorus was discovered, I brought my two Eladrin children to East Sorus, and closed off The Great Planar Portal for good. Each pillar of power dispersed a portion of its power to different corners of the world, creating 8 items that would be required to reactive the Great Planar Portal.

I've arranged for The Harpers to take care over the care and custody of this world. None can come to know of The Spark. Stay quiet, stay hidden, stay vigilant.

Should the ritual ever be performed, please, reopen the Great Planar Portal. You must find the Tower of Urm. You must find the mad mage. You must find Mordenkainen. He is our greatest ally.

Signed, Tyrdelius Chronolos Asquit the Second

Chapter 3: Resurrection

While Bhaal's physical body is locked away permanently, his essence has been preserved in his half-mortal children, the Bhaalspawn. It is believed that Bhaal can be resurrected upon successful consummation of The Mark.

Chapter 4: The Bhaalspawn

The Bhaalspawn are Bhaal's half god half mortal children. Each have inherited 1/5 of Bhaal's soul. Never look directly into their eyes. Magical restraints MUST be in place at all times.

In newer writing (compared to the first entry): The lifespan of a Bhaalspawn appears to be around 300 years old.

Chapter 5: Reproduction

The writing here has been magically edited out (can be unlocked with an Order of the Keepers Adamantine necklace).

The Bhaalspawn have a roughly 300 year lifespan. They are cruel, cunning and possess a great deal of magic. They can die of old age, but the essence of Bhaal will then choose a new host, preserving itself indefinitely. It is much too risky to allow the 5th Bhaalspawn to die naturally. We must keep it separated from the others, and alive. In order to prevent the Ritual from ever occurring, we, the Order of the Keepers have sworn to uphold our duty. The duty of the Human Keepers is as such:

1. Any male member of the Human branch will guard the 5th Bhaalspawn with his life. The Bhaalspawn may never go free. Do not interact with the Bhaalspawn. Revealing any information about the Bhaalspawn to anyone is punishable by execution.

2.Any female member of the human branch will adhere to the above duty. Additionally, once every 290 years, a female member will be chosen to reproduce with the Bhaalspawn to ensure continued captivity. The Chosen member will mate with the prisoner and carry the child to term. Once the child is born, it will be placed in captivity for the rest of its life. Once the Bhaalspawn dies, the child will inherit the essence of Bhaal and the duty of the mother will be completed. In under no circumstances can the mother spend time with the child after it has inherited the essence.

The following is also bolded at the bottom of the page in an unknown language: THE 5TH MUST NEVER GO FREE

Chapter 6: The Mark and the Ritual

Little is known about the ritual and the Mark. What we do know was gathered from interrogations.

The ritual is as follows:

Every living Bhaalspawn must be murdered within 7 days of each other.

If the previous condition is fulfilled, the Bhaalspawn's murderers will be afflicted with The Mark.

The Mark will take hold and the Chosen will become vessels.

Each day darkness will rise and fill the lands, until the vessels are consumed and then Bhaal shall rise from the blood.

The Mark is theorized to bind itself to the soul permanently. It acts as a direct connection between the Mark bearer and Bhaal himself.

Chapter 7: Impostors

From Nakorel:

A group of 4 have been calling themselves the Order of the Keepers in the Gnomish Territories. Who are they? How do they know about us? I'm fairly sure all precautions are still active and that no one alive remembers. I know it's been a long time Serril but I need a status report ASAP. We may need to contact the Archmage and use the All-Caster again.

Message from Piper to the Order:

The false keepers are cursed and Marked, and one has passed. They'll be in Elothil in 3 days. They need your help.

From Lunar:

Lunar here. Who wrote that? Is that you Harper? You guys have to make sure to start with last names so we know who's talking. Firstly, I will not misuse the Allcaster for 4 people. We don't know how they found this name, or what they want. I don't have time to head to Elothil yet, we've got bigger problems. I've sent search parties for Serril, but he hasn't turned up. Valia is also missing, and so is the Bhaalspawn. The prison is deserted. Between this and the recent cultist related attacks, can we muster some forces and go investigate the Isles? I fear the worst may have happened. Harper what do you mean by they're Marked?

From Harper:

Harper here, Lunar, I didn't write that. We need to be quiet.

From Vaan:

Tal’vo here, we, the KEEPERS, are coming to Elothil, Lunar I know you well, Vekkin's youngest needs your assistance NOW.


Chapter 8: Resignation

Harper, its Lunar. I quit. These people didn't choose this curse, in fact, I don't think they wanted to have it. But as we know, they are Bhaal's Chosen.

There's a reason for that, don't you think? How many planes have you been to? It turns out, less than them. And guess what? The world hasn't imploded. They are far more capable than you or I. So what if the citizens of Sorus learn The Truth? What the hell are they going to do that's so scary? Our bullshit parents set us out on this bullshit Keepers bullshit, and I'm done. I entrust it all to them.

Nakorel here, I trust Eladore with my life, and I've come to trust Valia. She says that she trusts her son, so I quit also. I think we should all be friends and talk it out together.

Harper here. You're all fools, and even worse, traitors. Watch your back.
Record, Logbook


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