Tyrdelius Chronolos Asquit the Second Character in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Tyrdelius Chronolos Asquit the Second

Tyrdelius Chronolos Asquit the Second, a name that resonates with the echoes of the past, holds a revered place in the history of The Feywild and Sorus. As a lesser deity and the once-powerful King of The Feywild, his journey from divinity to mortality is a tale of sacrifice, wisdom, and relentless dedication to the greater good.  

Divine Beginnings

Created by Corellon, the god of elves, Tyrdelius initially wielded immense power over The Feywild, governing its magical landscapes and myriad creatures as a benevolent and wise ruler.   In a monumental decision, Tyrdelius relinquished his godhood, distributing his divine essence among six fey children. These recipients blossomed into archfey, ensuring The Feywild would continue to thrive under their diverse and vibrant stewardship.  

Mortality and Legacy

No longer a deity but a powerful and revered eladrin, Tyrdelius embraced his newfound mortality. He understood that his extended life, though finite compared to his previous immortal existence, was a small price for the future he envisioned.  

The Keepers

Tyrdelius ventured to Sorus, where he established The Order of the Keepers. This secretive and powerful group of mages and strategists was his answer to the cosmic threats endangering the planes, especially the looming shadow of Bhaal, the God of Murder.   Through cunning, strength, and the unity of the Order, Tyrdelius played a pivotal role in the banishment of Bhaal, thereby establishing an era of peace and prosperity in Sorus.  

End of Life

After centuries of guardianship and ensuring the safety of Sorus, Tyrdelius returned to The Feywild one last time. There, he bid farewell to the realm he once ruled, closing The Great Planar Portal and marking the end of an era. Family and Legacy:   Tyrdelius's legacy continued through his two children, Galador Asquit and Tyrdelius Chronolos Asquit the Third. Trained by their father, they became protectors of Sorus, upholding the values and mission of The Order of the Keepers.   Tyrdelius's life concluded naturally and peacefully in The Iron Forest, a final resting place befitting a being who had shaped the destiny of multiple realms. His life, choices, and sacrifices continue to inspire and guide those who know of his story.


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