Bhaal Character in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Bhaal (Beh-HALL)

Bhaal, also known as the Lord of Murder, is a deity of murder, assassination, and violent death. He once held absolute power over the abyss, but now only holds a fraction of his former strength due to a near lethal injury caused by the Spear of Helm. His wife, Queen Everglade, rules directly in his place.   Typical Worshipers: Bhaal's worshipers are often those who revel in death, killing, and destruction. They may be murderers, assassins, or those who simply enjoy the thrill of violence. Abyssal creatures also worship Bhaal and Queen Everglade out of fear.   Clerical Practice: Bhaal's clerics often use their abilities to carry out assassinations or to aid in the killing of enemies. They may also conduct bloody sacrifices to appease their deity. However, due to Bhaal's weakened state, his clerics may struggle to channel his power effectively.   Rituals and Prayers: Bhaal's rituals and prayers often involve bloodshed and death. His followers may offer sacrifices of animals or even sentient beings to appease him. They may also pray for his aid in carrying out a successful assassination or battle. However, due to Bhaal's current weakened state, his followers may also pray for his recovery and for the return of his full strength.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Ruled Locations


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