The Abyss Geographic Location in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

The Abyss


The Abyss is a vast and chaotic realm, a swirling mass of darkness and evil that stretches on for eternity. Its many layers are populated by hordes of demons, each one more twisted and malevolent than the last.

Key Layers

Here is a brief description of some of the key layers of the Abyss:   Layer 666 - Citadel of Blood: The Citadel of Blood, Bhaal's domain, is a place of ceaseless carnage and gore, where blood runs as freely as the rivers of the abyss. The very walls seem to throb with the pain and suffering of countless souls, and the air is thick with the metallic scent of blood.

Layer 88 - The Abyssal Sea: An endless ocean of black and writhing tentacles, the Abyssal Sea is home to some of the most terrifying creatures in the Abyss. It is said that the water itself is made of acid, and that even demons fear to venture into its depths.

Layer 333 - Thanatos: Thanatos is a domain of the Abyss ruled by the demon lord Orcus. It is a desolate wasteland filled with death and decay, where the undead roam free and the air is thick with the stench of decay.

Layer 45-47 - Azzagrat and the City of Zelatar: Azzagrat is a layer of the Abyss dominated by the demon lord Graz'zt. It is a twisted, luxurious realm of dark pleasure and debauchery, with towering spires and intricate labyrinthine cities that inspire both awe and terror.

Layer 1 - Plain of Infinite Portals: This layer is a vast network of portals that lead to other parts of the Abyss and other planes of existence. It is a place of constant motion and flux, where nothing is stable and everything is constantly shifting.

Layer 222 - Shedaklah: A layer of decay and filth, Shedaklah is a swampy wasteland filled with muck and disease. Its inhabitants are foul and disease-ridden, and the very air is toxic to mortal creatures.

Layer 66 - Demonweb Pits : This layer is ruled by the spider goddess Lolth, and is a labyrinthine network of tunnels and webs that stretch on for miles. Its inhabitants are mostly spiders and other arachnids, and the very air is thick with webs.

Demon Lords

Some of the most powerful demon lords of the Abyss include:

Queen Everglade: Queen Everglade is a cunning, intelligent, and beautiful woman of pale skin and jet black hair, who is the direct ruler of the Abyss and spouse of the God of Murder, Bhaal.

Demogorgon: A two-headed demon with the power to drive creatures to madness, Demogorgon is one of the most feared demon lords in the Abyss.

Orcus: Known as the Prince of Undeath, Orcus is a powerful demon lord who commands legions of undead creatures.

Graz'zt: A cunning and charismatic demon lord, Graz'zt is known for his silver tongue and his ability to manipulate others to do his bidding.

Pazuzu: Pazuzu is a powerful demon lord known as the Dark Angel of the Four Winds. He is described as having avian feet, four wings that both smoke and gleam with oil, and most notably, a feral bird's beak on an otherwise handsome face.

Zuggtmoy: Lady of Fungi, rules Shedaklah - a maze of twisting tunnels filled with spores and mold that warp and twist reality.

Juiblex: The Faceless Lord, rules Shedaklah with Zuggtmoy - a shapeless mass of ooze and slime that revels in the decay and corruption of all things.

Lolth: The Spider Queen, rules the Demonweb Pits - a vast network of webs and caverns inhabited by spiders, worshipped by the Drow for her cruelty and treachery.

Each of these demon lords commands vast armies of demons and other creatures, and their machinations have far-reaching consequences throughout the Abyss and beyond.

Bhaal and Queen Everglade

Bhaal, the Lord of Murder, may not be the direct ruler of the Abyss, but his presence is felt deeply throughout the plane. Bhaal's worshipers, known as the Cultists of Bhaal, are known for their ruthless and cunning ways, and their dark rituals often involve the taking of life. It is said that Bhaal himself is pleased by such offerings, and that the more blood that is spilled in his name, the more powerful he becomes.

Bhaal's influence is felt most strongly in his own layer of the Abyss, the Citadel of Blood, a dark and foreboding realm of death that echoes with the sounds of past murders and the shadows of those yet to come. The sky is black, and the air is thick with the scent of decay and blood. The landscape is desolate and barren, dotted with twisted trees and jagged rocks. Strange, ghostly shapes can be seen flitting about in the distance, and the ground is stained red with blood. In the center of this layer is Bhaal's palace, the Citadel of Blood.

Despite his power, Bhaal is not the direct ruler of the Abyss. That honor goes to his wife, Queen Everglade, a cunning and beautiful woman of pale skin and jet black hair. She is known for her intelligence and her mastery of both politics and warfare, and many say that it is her shrewdness and cunning that keep the other demon lords in check. But despite her power, Queen Everglade is always mindful of her husband's desires and will do whatever it takes to keep him satisfied.

Together, Bhaal and Queen Everglade rule over a realm of darkness and death, where murder is glorified and the only law is that of the strongest. It is a place where the wicked thrive and the weak perish, a place where even the most powerful demon lords tread carefully. For in the end, even they know that they are no match for the Lord of Murder and his cunning queen.
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