The Material Plane Geographic Location in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

The Material Plane

The Material Plane, a realm of unparalleled neutrality and balance, stands as the cornerstone of existence in the cosmic order. It is a unique confluence where beings from every outer plane can coexist, not bound by the extremes of their native realms. This plane is neither inherently good nor evil, but a harmonious blend of chaos and order, serving as a vital counterbalance to the outer planes. Without the Material Plane, the cosmos would spiral into disarray, with each outer plane intensifying in its inherent nature to a detrimental degree. The Abyss would sink deeper into malevolence, Mechanus would stiffen under the weight of excessive order, Limbo would erupt into uncontrolled chaos, and Mount Celestia would be overwhelmed by excessive virtue. The Material Plane is thus essential not only as a domain for diverse life but as the fulcrum that upholds the delicate equilibrium of the multiverse. It is the grand stage where the complexities of existence play out, a testament to the intricate dance of cosmic forces that shape reality.
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