Continent of West Sorus Geographic Location in The Realms of Sorus | World Anvil

Continent of West Sorus

West Sorus, once a thriving half of the unified continent of Sorus, now lies as a haunting testament to the catastrophic consequences of divine ambition and conflict. It stands as a barren wasteland, a stark contrast to its surviving counterpart, East Sorus. The landscape is blanketed in layers of ash, with its air heavy and toxic, a perpetual reminder of the cataclysmic event that led to Bhaal's ascension to godhood and the annihilation of the land. The very essence of West Sorus is marred by death and destruction, its soil scorched, and its skies forever veiled in a pall of grey. The once vibrant cities and ecosystems are now but memories, lost beneath the ashen fallout. Rivers and lakes that once teemed with life are now poisoned, and the silence that hangs over the continent is a solemn echo of its tragic past.
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