City of Tharbad Settlement in The Realm of Beardsgaard | World Anvil

City of Tharbad

By space covered, the largest city of Midgard, the neutral of the three primary cities of the land. It is dedicated to trade, due to its large harbor, many rivers and closeness to Nidavellir, but it is just as dedicated to fun and sexy parties. It was founded and is still ruled by House Langon, but they are more than happy to hand the law and governing to the Capitol City of Triwath, who maintains judicial, military, and guard bases in the city, handles policing where it affects trade and tourism, and would serve as Tharbad's military if needed. Tharbad, due to the legends of the Bay of Glaur being where The Gold Spark sleeps at night, is the forward base of The People of the Gold Spark, although it is rumored that the temple is only the tip of the sunspear.


Tharbad is primarily made up of Humans, but Gnomes and Dwarves are not uncommon. Very rarely will you see immortals here, unless they are the more covert sort that have Human blood, like Demigods, Greenfolk and Half Elves.

Not many Dwarves live here permanantly, they are more often than not skilled workers making their bones in the southland before returning to Nidavellir. Most of the permanant industry belongs to Humans, and also most of the wealth, short of the high concentrations of both with the industrious Gnomes who live in the smaller outskirts of the city.


The defacto rulers of Tharbad actually reside in the Capitol City of Triwath, with an eastern contingent carrying out their wishes in regards to law, enforcement and defense. The Langon family, the founding family of Tharbad, are mostly concerned with keeping the city as an attractive location for residents and visitors, and are happy to cede the details to a higher power.

The guilds run commerce in the city aside from many of the finely skilled crafts plyed by Triwathians living in Tharbad, with the powerful House Hálben and their shipping enterprise running operations that leave shore.


The Tharbad Guard handles defense inside the city, but there is a much larger military contingent from Triwath stationed outside the city if further defense is required. Larger Tharbad is surrounded by and divided by rivers and bordered by the sea to the east and mountains to the north.

Industry & Trade

Transport and trade runs Tharbad, with a great many fine artisans in the city.

Guilds and Factions

The real movers and shakers of Tharbad. 9 Guild Masters make up the council.
  1. TB-Agrarian Guild
  2. TB-Shipping Guild
  3. TB-Hearth Guild
  4. TW-Builder's Guild
  5. TW-Scribe's Guild
  6. TW-Clothier's Guild
  7. NV-Jewelsmith's Guild
  8. NV-Stonemason's Guild
  9. NV-Smithing Guild

The Drumhoods A thieves' guild responsible for black market dealings. Mostly dealing in rare items, gambling, burglary, and assassinations. They have a few businesses in town as legitimate fronts.


Founded in the year 95 by one of the Three Pillars of Humanity, Langon Ewan (his siblings founded the Capitol City of Triwath, and the pirate city of Thaur). It began as a beach settlement where clothing held little importance. As the settlement grew due to its advantageous location, inhabitants who held to the old ways founded the Town of Írdaer to the south, and the Village of Langwen on the Isle of Lanc. These two settlements may be dedicated to nudity, but have very different ibes about it.

Points of interest

Castle Langon is the grand palace on a cliff of the nobility of Tharbad, while the Temple of the Gold Spark is the home of some of the most epic (and contant) parties in the entire Realm.


While some of the older buildings still use the thatch and clay construction of the early days of this area's settlement, the Dwarven stonemasons employed by Tharbad have built some impressive structures over the centuries.


Tharbad's main districts are on the glittering sandy sunrise shores of Glaur Bay with rivers to the north and south, extending into the more rural agricultural and grassland areas of the city to the west. The rugged mountains of Nidavellir tower to the north across the river.


Midgard has relatively stable temperatures year round by season, with similar temperatures in the spring and fall, rising 10 to 20 degrees in the summer, and dropping by the same in the winter.

Tharbad's average spring/fall temperature is in the upper 70s, with summers in the 90s, slightly cooler and breezy near the shore, and winters rarely if ever see snow, usually a damp and windy low near 60, with plenty of bright days that feel warm enough to warm the spirits.

Storms do come, being near the sea, but the islands, mountains of Nidavellir to the north, and The Boot to the south shelter Tharbad from the worst the skies and sea have to offer.
Founding Date
95 AF
Alternative Name(s)
The Sunrise City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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