Fire Mountains

The Fire Mountains are the lowest, but neither shortest nor least dangerous to travel, of the great mountain ranges of the Land. Streching littlle less then three thousand miles from north to south along the western coast it is only second in size to the Sundering Mountains.


The Fire Mountains are famous for many of their geographical features. From the glacial lakes and huge craters to the metal ores that lie right at the surface of the mountain sides, these mountains have been and still are the destination of many of the researchers and explorers of The Great Library and many other adventurers besides. The fast shifting of the landscape due to earthquakes and eruption of the mountains, landslides and avalanches however make these mountains a rather dangerous ground to live for the locals.

Localized Phenomena

Multiple times a year, minor eruptions can be seen from some of the mountain peaks. Mostly these will be no more than a little smoke and maybe some ashes. Quite sometimes these eruptions are followed or preceded by minor earthquakes. On rare occasion molten rock will be part of the erupting mass, endangering the lives of all the peoples living on the mountain sides.
Sometimes the eruption will not take place from the mountain peak but the mountain sides as well, making the ground unstable and dangerous to travel over. Still these sites are visited most often by adventurers as rare stones from the inner of the mountains can be found here most easily and in great number. Sadly this has become a true competition over the last years, leading to a high number of severe burns, lost body parts and - very regretfully - even a number of lives. For while the molten rock may already be cooled down on the surface, underneath it is still terribly hot and some brave souls, daring first onto the so called "molt fields" were unfortunate enough to step on the "molt bags", as the locals call them, which would cause the utmost terrible burns within mere seconds.

Every decade or so the eruption of one of the mountains is so great that whole mountain sides vanish - and with it any settlements that may have been there before - causing drastic changes in the geographical features. The ash clouds of these eruptions may darken the sun for as long as a number of days, finally settling on the ground across a wide strech of land, commonly causing superior harvests in the following years.

Fauna & Flora

Altough less impressive to the unskilled eye than red-hot stone erupting from a mountain, the plant and animal live found in the Fire Mountains is quite sensational if taken a closer look at. Adapted to the imminent danger of erupting mountains, both animals and plants have developed many specific ways of using the one of a kind climate of this region to their advantage.

A number of plants for example have developed exeptionally hard shelled seeds, that will only crack and allow water to enter - and thus starting the process of sprouting - after exposure to enormous temperatures. This allows the seedling to grow without almost any competitors as these would all have been burned to ash. And in even this ash the seedling would start its life, feeding of the highly nutritious ash remains of the former plant life, thus quickly developing and reaching adult stage withing a noticably shorter time than other plants.

As far as the animal life, many of the local grazing animals seem to have taken to certain winter meadows, where the temperature remain higher all through the winter. After some research the reason behind this has been found in hot underwater springs that keep the ground from freezing and even keep it warm enough for the grass to continue growing.
Some of the local bird species nest in rare glades where these hot springs come to the surface, leading to a number of steaming hot pools and streams, keeping the air constatly hot and moist, allowing them to raise their young all year round. Additionally the developing steam protects the young birds fom the eyes of predators, allowing for both parents to fly out in seach of food.


Altough sought out for its exeptional geographical features by many during the golden age of The Great Library and thus reaching a rather unique state of fame, the history of the Fire Mountains has not always been this glorious. 
Many sources from the elder days give reason to believe that especially the lands coming down on the eastern slopes of this mountain range have a history of poverty and starvation. Many of these sources call the nowadays rich and fruitful region along the shores of the Naydan river "wild lands". A term referring seemingly mainly to the political state of the region as beeing ruled by a unknown number of cruel tribes, raiding each others territories relentlessly, leaving the farming population over and over again with nothing but burned and trampled crops.
There are also other sources that speak of massive slavery especially along the northern half of the mountain range. Mentionings of giant slave camps in conjuction with numerous accounts of excessive ore mining and high death tolls have been found in sealed undergound chambers below the bones of ancient cities.

Related to the many impressive and so far not entirely explainable expressions of natural forces, there are of course also many tales and myths about these mountains. As to none of these has been found any proof yet, they are to be considered no more than made up bed time stories of common folk and as such of no relevance to the work of the historians.

Note: All source material can be read up on in the relating section of The Great Library


Since the end of the dark years, there has been much traffic around the mountain ranges and in the main river valleys. For the soil has been found to be very fertile and thus has drawn many peoples to start their new lives there. Within the first decade after the end of the darkness the regions along the Fire Mountains have been recorded to have one of the largest increase in population of all the recorded regions. For the matter of comparibility, other regions with a similar increase of population were the Riverlands and the Sunset Lands, both owing their inceasing population mainly to water availablility and soil fertility.

With the growing influence of the Great Library, and its quickly developing research section, soon the first historians and researchers became aware of the unique geograpgical features there. When the first expeditions there resulted in massive discoveries and realisations concerning many subjects such as nature, life, historical past, geographical changes, political forms of former ages and many others, soon greater and more permanent research camps were set up in a number of significant locations. Travel between there and the library has been vribrant and increasing ever since then.
Mountain Range
Included Locations


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