A quick reference guide for some notable beasts in the Kingdom of Nimue
- 1. Wings: titan butterflies *WIP*
- 2. Stripes: mine ponies *WIP*
- 3. Horn: Uni-animals *WIP*
- 4. Shell: armadillos *WIP*
- 5. Colorful: dodo birds *WIP*
- 6. Nocturnal: raccoons *WIP*
- 7. Mythical: the Holy Grail *WIP*
- 8. Prey: teacup mice *WIP*
- 9. Monstrous: Basilisk *WIP*
- 10. Danger: Unicorns *WIP*
- 11. Purr: Cat sith *WIP*
- 12. Roar: Jackalopes *WIP*
- 13. Shriek: blood sucking rabbits *WIP*
- 14. Howl: howling mice *WIP*
- 15. Tamed: thimble bats *WIP*
- 16. Pack: spotted devil dogs *WIP*
- 17. Burrow: hedgehogs *WIP*
- 18. Bond: Battle Chickens *WIP*
- 19. Stinky: plundern *WIP*
- 20. Gentle: Mooshrooms *WIP*
- 21. Messenger: Lord of the Woods/Forest *WIP*
- 22. Food: cicadas *WIP*
- 23. Vicious: Cockatrice *WIP*
- 24. Silent: kelpis *WIP*
- 25. Parasite: Wolpertingers *WIP*
- 26. Predator: time flies *WIP*
- 27. Stalk: Dragons *WIP*