- Are not naturally blue.
- Live in burrows.
- LOVE missile apples *WIP* and can get them stuck on the quills. They like to snuffle around in those apple orchards eating to bugs eating the rotting apples, and eating the rotting, fermenting apples themselves. And sometimes those apple, or maybe one falling, get stuck to the quills. An apple, you can imagine, of any size or squishiness would be kinda heavy and no one is going to be ok with one felling on them. So if it does stick, it would stick around for long. So seeing a hedgehog with an apple or any fruit on it's back would be rare. Mushrooms? Berries, though, as they are lighter, I can see happening more often. The important thing to take away is that the ouch mouse (not my phase, but it is glorious!) is not doing it on purpose, nor it is stealing.
- But eat mostly bugs.
- It's likeness is use for hedge pie *WIP*.