Seula Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Seula is the second largest island in the Arcaibh Islands. It is further west than the other large islands in the archipelago, and has changed hands between the Dòbhran Selkies and the Eyjamaður several times over the centuries. It is best known for its large seal population, and has small communities from both races residing on the island. Conflict between the humans and the selkies is commonplace, more so than in the rest of the Arcaibh. Rumors persist of the Eyjamaður harvesting selkie skins for sale, which help keep the tensions on the island high.    The largest Selkie community on Seula is named Ròn, and is found on the eastern shore of the island. On the western shore is Selsdýr, the largest Eyjamaður settlement on the island. 

Notable Spirits

The spiritual landscape of Seula echoes the divided nature of its populace. Legends claim that the small spirits of the island have long since gone to war with each other, east against west. The leader of the western spirits is known as Vesturrokk, a troll who has skin and teeth of stone. The eastern spirits are led by Sàmhchair, a ghostly woman whose tears are deadly poison, and whose cries cause deafness. The mortal residents of Seula know not to venture near the lake at night, as this is when their battle rages and the warriors may not spare a lost soul.


The coast of Seula is jagged with numerous large offshore rock formations and tidepools. Sandy beaches stretch along most of the coastline, punctuated by cliffs and rocky regions. In the center of the island is Lochan Cànan, a still lake that is said to be haunted by strange whispering voices. The island measures about twenty miles from east to west, and is roughly rectangular in shape.


Seula's wildlife is dominated by seabirds and seals. Hardy grasses cover the inland regions, and there are few trees anywhere on the island. Lochan Cànan has a number of fish species, including the black-bodied ringfish, which is said to be uncatchable. Legends claim that if you caught a ringfish, the island would sink into the sea.


Like the rest of the Arcaibh, the climate of Seula is cold and harsh. Fog is common during the summer and autumn, and winter is known for sudden and fierce storms. When these storms come out of the Middlesea in the west, they sometimes carry strange things with them - rains of fish and frogs are suprisngly common in the spring.

Natural Resources

The large seal population is the major natural resource of Seula, although the populace also has access to numerous seabirds and good waters for fishing. The Selkies of the island trade largely with the rest of the Arcaibh, while the Eyjamaður in the east sell their skins to ships of their countrymen that dock at Selsdýr.
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Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 59.36 degrees North
Longitude: 70.91 degrees East
Average Elevation: 30 ft
Highest Point: 358 ft
Lowest Point: -3 ft (Lochan Cànan)
Area: 55.27 sq mi

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