Uan Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Uan is a tiny, uninhabited island in the Arcaibh Islands. It is known primarily for the sunken chapel built on its eastern shore by a pair of Dòbhran hermits. This chapel is dedicated to Lirnach the Sea Mither, and pilgrims seeking the favor of the goddess will sometimes visit Uan to worship.

Notable Spirits

There does not seem to be a resident spirit that inhabits Uan, but the chapel is sometimes visited by Lirnach, especially when it is flooded by the tide. She has been known to show herself to supplicants who are immersed in the sea there, and the pair of hermits who built the chapel centuries ago claimed to have seen her frequently. The chapel itself seems to be far better preserved than the repairs made by pilgrims would account for, and those who rest within it do report feeling a sense of peace and sanctity.


Uan is little more than a large grassy mound thrust up out of the sea. It rises to a height of over 60 feet, and the view from the top is quite good. It is connected to Glum by a natural causeway that floods at high tide.


The beach is alive with crabs and seabirds, and the hill itself supports tough grass. No large animals live on the island, but the locals do pasture sheep and goats there in the summer.


Uan's climate is the same as the other Arcaibh Islands, although some say that the winter is gentler here than elsewhere, especially in the sheltered cove where the hermits built their chapel.

Natural Resources

Uan doesn't have much to speak of in natural resources. The sea provides enough food to support a few people, and the grass can sustain a flock of sheep, but there is nothing else worth mentioning.
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 59.88 degrees North
Longitude: 74.62 degrees east
Average Elevation: 5 ft
Highest Point: 66 ft
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 0.15 sq mi


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