Avannarleq Sea Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Avannarleq Sea

The Avannarleq Sea is a vast expanse of water that lies to the north of Great Ring, and is home to many dangers and secrets. The sea is known for its icy waters, strong currents, and frequent storms, which make navigation treacherous for even the most experienced sailors. The sea is dotted with numerous small islands, many of which are uninhabited and shrouded in mystery. 

Few people make their home near the Avannarleq Sea, and those that do are hardy and resourceful. The indigenous peoples of Umingmak and Kitlineq are known for their resilience in the face of the harsh climate, and they have developed cultures that reflect their environment. The people of the Avannarleq Sea are skilled hunters and fishers, and they are renowned for their knowledge of the sea and its inhabitants.

Despite the dangers of the Avannarleq Sea, some adventurers are drawn to its icy waters in search of treasure and adventure. The islands that dot the sea are said to be home to hidden riches and powerful artifacts, and brave souls have set out in search of these treasures. However, the sea is also home to many dangers, including sea monsters, treacherous currents, and bitter cold. Only the most skilled and well-prepared adventurers should attempt to brave its icy depths.


The Avannarleq Sea is a vast expanse of water that stretches across the northern coasts of Umingmak and Kitlineq, the two largest islands in the northern archipelago. The sea is dotted with many small islands, some of which are uninhabited and shrouded in mystery. The sea is also known for its strong currents and frequent storms, which make navigation treacherous for even the most experienced sailors.


The ecosystem of the Avannarleq Sea is diverse and complex, despite the harsh climate. The sea is home to many species of fish, including salmon, cod, and herring, which are vital to the diet of the indigenous people of Umingmak and Kitlineq. The sea is also home to many species of sea birds, such as gulls and cormorants, which nest on the rocky cliffs of the islands.

Ecosystem Cycles

The ecosystem cycles of the Avannarleq Sea are tightly linked to the seasonal changes in the climate. During the winter months, the sea freezes over, and many of the fish migrate to warmer waters. During the spring and summer months, the ice melts, and the sea comes alive with activity as the fish return to feed and spawn. The sea birds also return during this time to nest and raise their young.

Localized Phenomena

One of the most striking localized phenomena in the Avannarleq Sea is the presence of icebergs. These massive chunks of ice break off from glaciers on the nearby islands and drift out to sea. They can be dangerous to ships, but they also provide a unique habitat for many species of Arctic wildlife.


The climate of the Avannarleq Sea is harsh and unforgiving, with long, cold winters and short, cool summers. Temperatures rarely rise above freezing, even in the summer months, and the sea is often shrouded in fog and mist. Powerful storms are common, and the winds can be strong enough to capsize even the sturdiest of ships.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of the Avannarleq Sea are adapted to the harsh climate and limited resources. The sea is home to many species of fish, including salmon, cod, and herring, which are vital to the diet of the indigenous people of Umingmak and Kitlineq. The sea is also home to many species of sea birds, such as gulls and cormorants, which nest on the rocky cliffs of the islands. On the islands themselves, there are a few hardy plant species, such as lichens and mosses, that are able to survive in the harsh conditions.

Natural Resources

The natural resources of the Avannarleq Sea are limited but valuable. The sea is a rich source of fish, which are a vital part of the diet of the indigenous people of Umingmak and Kitlineq. The islands themselves are home to some mineral deposits, such as iron and copper, but these resources are difficult to access due to the harsh climate.


Little is known of the history of the Avannarleq Sea, as few written records exist from the indigenous peoples who have called the islands home for thousands of years. However, there are many rumors and legends that speak of powerful magic and fierce battles between rival tribes. The most persistent rumor is that one or more Ice Drakes, powerful and fearsome beasts of legend, make their home in the icy waters of the sea. These creatures are said to be nearly invincible, and many brave adventurers have set out in search of them, but none have returned.
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