Unity Geographic Location in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


Residents Ifrah, Kaz, Senu, Aisho, Phantom, Axew Tasir, Kaulder, Oliver, Josef, Sprout   The Island was originally inhabited by a single unified group of Felis. After the Deridah broke the world the Loredasan Creators handed the three parts of the key to their creation, the The Lighthouse, to three tribes they felt could be trusted. One such piece was handed to the elder leader of the Felis to pass down through the generations.   warring factions of Exceed Felis and Palico Felis for many years before the Palico Felis started using Deridah under the instruction of Nalfien to turn the tide of the war.   In 201 Phantom was sent to get help from the mainland, finding the airship of Maximilian Caelos V. The Godkillers later returned to the island to end the conflict with the Palico Felis. The elder of the Exceed Felis handed the piece of the The Lighthouse key to Phantom along with leadership of the island.   In 202 after the Soulburst Phantom returned to the island with his friend Ifrah and her now nearly extinct species. He adopted Tasir and soon after defended the island from Shadir - God of Hatred.   A few years later Ifrah saved her son from a final holdout group of Deridah worshiping Palico Felis.   After the Ereburst Tasir returned to the island with several of his own friends and was passed leadership of the island from his father Phantom. He signed an alliance with King Oliver Reynold of Haven and brought Unity into its current status as an animal sanctuary for creatures that might not otherwise have safe homes.

Natural Resources

A few hills and mountains crest the edges of the island, but it is covered almost entirely in forest and streams, an idyllic animal sanctuary
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