Phantom Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil



Phantom was formerly a reconnaissance scout and assassin for the former chief of the Exceed tribe. After discovering that the Palico were relying on Corruption to win the war between the two tribes, the chief sent Phantom off their island to seek help in ridding the Palico of the Corruption Ritual that was placed at the center of their village.

During his hunt for assistance, Phantom was picked up by the airship of Maximilian Caelos V. He was taken to meet and speak to Adam Faera about his request for help for his people. He agreed to work with a team Adam Faera was putting together and in exchange, he was promised that the team would first go to his island to help with the Palico and Exceed problem. He also was given a fancy ball of silky yarn as payment for his assistance.

Him and his new team broke the Palico's corruption ritual and freed not only the island, but the enemy tribe of Felis from the hold the corruption had on them. After succeeding at the job Phantom was sent out to do, he continued traveling with his new team to assist them.
After meeting Samuel Eshpard under Loredas and witnessing Chaos magic for the first time, Phantom aggressively began learning the magic style himself, wanting to achieve the kind of power that Sam used to destroy the shades under the floating continent. At a later time, when traveling on the airship along with Sam, he asked for some personal lessons on Chaos magic and eventually learned how to differentiate the physical and metaphysical elements when casting a Chaos magic spell.
After Jakki joined their team, Phantom quickly took to him and befriended him, learning Time magic from him, as well.

While exploring a cave system in Deridas, they discovered a civilization of Kobolds. Phantom took to one of the first they encountered, a small Kobold wielding an axe. Phantom offered him his fish rations and quickly befriended the Kobold. He decided to take the Kobold in, named him Axew , and the two quickly became inseparable partners and best friends. Phantom would often travel by sitting on Axew's head when he'd get tired of flying.

Upon their return to the island while searching for the pieces to the key to The Lighthouse, they came face to face with Nalfien , the dark elf who gave Corruption to the Palico. Phantom stood up for his people and denied Nalfein's offers of 'power' from the Corruption. After this, the chief of the Exceed handed the key fragment to Phantom, and also passed down leadership of the Exceed to Phantom before passing away. Phantom left the village in the control of one of the best Exceed warriors for the time being before leaving with his team once more to find the rest of the key fragments.

  After finding the remaining members of Ifrah's tribe, Phantom offered to let them move to the island and begin life anew. He offered the same to a group of Canid the group freed from slavery.

Phantom used his nice ball of yarn to create friendship bracelets for himself, Asch Figthorn, Ifrah, Jakki, Crux and Axew. Phantom felt especially betrayed when Asch turned out to be working for the resurrection of Balimor.
When it finally came time to fight Balimor and Sam became a vessel for Balimor to make his destruction easier, Phantom ripped out his own magical spark, a concept he learned after gaining interest from visiting the Avalon School of Blood Magic, in order to weaken Balimor even more and successfully destroy him completely. Phantom, now lacking his magic, took Sam's shepherd's crook and refused to give it back to the gods that had helped them. The shepherd's crook never left Phantom's grasp throughout his remaining years.

Upon Phantom's return to the island, he discovered the Exceed and Palico living together peacefully for the first time he had ever seen. Not only that, they were living with the Avia and Canid's peacefully. The Exceed and Palico together decided to declare Phantom the chief and leader of not only the Exceed, but of the entire island, which he decided to name Unity as a reminder of the different races coming together and living as one civilization. He and some other Felis worked together to create a statue in honor of Sam in the middle of Unity. As a symbol of the two tribe's unity, as well, Phantom adopted a young Palico kitten who's parents were killed by the Corruption that once plagued their village.

A few years later, while Tasir was still a kitten, the island would be invaded by Shadir - God of Hatred. Despite no longer having magic, Phantom and Axew agreed to help Femirex Alder and Alumes fight off Shadir. Not only having his entire island to protect, but more importantly, protect his son. The fight against Shadir was difficult, and Phantom almost lost his life. However, Axew willingly took a hit for his friend and lost his leg, much to Phantom's dismay. They managed to stabilize Axew and keep him living, and Phantom was able to get a prosthetic leg for his friend through connections he gained from his fellow Godkiller friends.

After Tasir sets off on his own journey to Iocrias and returns with not only a way to allow Phantom to fly with him one time, but the news that Asch had been killed, Phantom passed leadership of Unity to Tasir and happily passed on. He now lives in the Afterlight alongside his son's friend, Aria Luxord.

Physical Description

Body Features

Phantom is a small, mostly black and white Exceed with white wings (when using them.) His fur is typically more well groomed and smoothed down. He wore a small, cat-sized cloak during his travels with the Godkillers, which he eventually gave to his adopted son, Tasir.

Special abilities

Phantom formerly was skilled at transmutation, as most Exceed are, and glamour magic. After meeting Samuel Eshpard beneath Loredas, he began obsessively studying Chaos magic and became skilled at the magic, eventually learning from Sam how to differentiate physical and metaphysical elements for his spells.

Apparel & Accessories

Carried Samuel Eshpard's shepherd's crook with him after losing his magical spark until the day he died. After his death, the shepherd's crook was used to mark his grave at the base of the statue of Sam in the middle of Unity.

Specialized Equipment

Chaos Magic(Formerly)
Glamour Magic(Formerly)
Time Magic(Formerly)
Claw to Face Combat

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Phantom was one of the Godkillers who helped stop the war against Balimor and destroy him before he could destroy Alibor completely.

Personality Characteristics


Protecting his people from the Corruption (Formerly)
Protecting his island and all of it's inhabitants from the Corruption and evils of the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Constantly carries fish in his dimensional pocket. Used to carry a silky ball of yarn he received as payment until he used it to make friendship bracelets for every member of the Godkillers team.


Contacts & Relations

Close personal ties to the Time Squad

Hobbies & Pets

He rescued a Kobold and named him Axew . Axew became his lifelong travel companion and best friend until the day Axew passed away.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chief of the Exceed tribe
Chief of Unity
190 ARLH 230 ARLH 40 years old
Circumstances of Death
After flying alongside his son, Tasir, for the first and only time, he passed away after passing leadership of the islands down to his son. Phantom passed away happy, content, and undeniably proud of Tasir.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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