The Ancient War of Elves and Dragons Document in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

The Ancient War of Elves and Dragons

Summarized   The Origin of the World and Events Leading to the War:   The War Between Elves and Dragons is the first overall conflict in the eternal struggle between Creation and Destruction.   Alios created the Ancient Elves on their home of the Eridium Spires, while the realm of Terra was created below them, a blank canvas for them to paint. They started colonizing and using the vast magical stores of energy in the Eridium of their home to terraform the world and create all the natural species.   The massive Ancient Dragons were created on the Obsidian Brink as the will of Balimor. They were created with an intense desire to spread their influence, agents of destruction that commanded powerful magics to act against the efforts of the Elves.     The First War:   The two groups quickly found themselves in conflict, both creating new races and creatures to support their efforts in the war. The Elves used their ingenuity to copy the magical powers of the Dragons and created The Feywild as an emergency fallback location that would also allow them to strike at the heart of draconic territory without having to physically pass through it.   The Elves used the Eridium Spires as their staging grounds for their most advanced weapons they developed. The biggest turn in the tide of the war was when they developed the magical creation of Silver. An element that they found dragons and all creatures in their bloodline were weak to. They developed weapons that would allow them to strike at their enemies quickly and with large amounts of silver. The specifics of the weaponry are unknown, but based on the coming events for the dragons, it turned the war into a genocide.     The Aftermath:   The Elves won out and drove the ancient dragons into hiding and near extinction. They took control of and colonized all of Abilor along with the dragons former home of the Obsidian Brink. They began to study the leftover materials and eggs in the old home of the dragons, furthering their understanding of magic. Their empire was established, stretching along the entire world of Terra and beyond. But their empire would not last for long before they were embroiled in The Ancient Elven Civil War between brothers Eradin and Bhato Va'Losh, ending in the awakening of Balimor and their supremacy ended.   The dragons, however, would live on as well. Though they were changed in many ways. Few were able to hide in caves and mountain ranges, though cut off from their magical home and unable to freely hunt for food found the only way to survive was to magically force their offspring to stay much smaller (becoming the size of the modern dragon). Though these dragons tend to be more wrathful and territorial because of their history, a far cry from their giant hyper-intelligent ancestors.   Other dragons that were continually hunted down by the elves and their followers eventually were forcibly evolved to taking on pack instincts, turning more simple and tribal with each successive generation. The largest amongst them were hunted and killed until powerful honorable dragons were reduced to the small Wyverns.   Some chose to hide underground, but their isolation eventually drove them mad, eventually evolving into Wyrms. These creatures would be able to breed and to protect themselves also evolved to be able to asexually reproduce masses of Centipede drones.   The only Ancient Dragon that survived with its honor intact was the one who would become the Loredasan Creator Orken. He created the modern, smaller but still large and powerful, Dragon (though many of these would be hunted down) and the humanoid Salamanders as the last intelligent members of the Ancient Dragon's legacy before finally succumbing to the might of the very same power that created him, the Deridah being used by the Corrupted Invaders.   With the modern intelligent dragons still very rare and continuing to be hunted by many people, one could say the Salamander are the closest thing we have to the original Ancient Draconic Society in the aftermath of the war and following events.
Manuscript, Historical


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