Bhato Va'Losh Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

Bhato Va'Losh

Born the second in line to the throne of the sprawling civilization of the Ancient Elves, his grandfather led the war against the Dragons, and his father is who started colonizing the world below their original home of the Eridium Spires. Their civilization quickly went from colonial to stagnant, as they used their newfound resources to do whatever pleased them. While his brother Eradin the King was not personally in support of those attitudes, he did little to curb them, and so Bhato made his bid for the throne. Not taking his younger brother seriously, Eradin quickly let a civil war start and escalate.   Having backed his brother into a corner in a desperate bid to win the war Eradin tapped into the deep power beneath Aldas. The power turned out to be Balimor the God of destruction itself. Deridah spread across all of Aldas, tearing apart the prosperous elven civilization. All locations the obsidian was used were heavily corrupted, Eradin's throne room included. Almost all of Bhato's army was washed away by the corruption and in an attempt to survive Stasis locked the area of the elven capitol he was in with most of his magical energy. He then endured the painful process of mummifying himself and put himself in stasis in the hope a solution would eventually come.   1000 years later, the Godkillers woke him while looking for the sources of Balimor's ritual power and together they ended the rivalry by killing Eradin and finally releasing his soul from the corruption. Bhato continued with the Godkillers while they finished the fight against Balimor and ended the reign of the destroyer god.   Bhato became close friends with Neville as they are the only people they know still alive from ancient times. With Neville as his close confidant, he founded Bhato's School for the Magically Gifted to share his ancient magical knowledge and personally learn the advancements made in the eras since.    He continues to keep an eye on the magical stability of the world and even went with Neville, Ēdwhâ Qhēnnueigh, Drake, Aien Yinvyre, and his old ally Jakki in stopping the The Wandering Plague spreading from Garen's Well.


Eradin Va'Losh


Towards Bhato Va'Losh


Bhato Va'Losh


Towards Eradin Va'Losh


Year of Birth
796 BRLH 1072 Years old
Eradin Va'Losh (Brother)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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