The Catacombs of Restless Slumber Geographic Location in The Legend of Elemental | World Anvil
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The Catacombs of Restless Slumber

Where will of iron crumbles

Labyrinth of the Dead

  The catacombs are the fortress of Lord Carrion, the only Shadow Elemental who is, at heart, truly cruel. Sitting like a spider at the center of a labyrinth that grows with every death and an army that consists of every corpse to ever fall, Carrion commands the largest and most difficult dungeon ever created. Even should a hero brave the near infinite Undead Legion, the only reward that awaits is the Lord of Death himself.  

The Final Defense

  Standing guard at the entrance to this ancient tomb is a company of undead knights who still swear loyalty to the Iron Legion of Architect. Their names forgotten, these five heroes fight an endless war to hold the Undead Legion prison within their catacomb. It is a battle they cannot lose, but cannot win. Should their strength of will ever break, Carrion's legion will rise again and sweep through the Mortal Realm with their Dark Lord standing at their head.


Endless stone halls filled to the brim with caskets and chests of belongings both valuable and worthless.
Dimensional plane
Location under


Author's Notes

The catacombs are a will crushing test that will break even the strongest of heroes. Surrounded by corpses, this world symbolizes the unconquerable enemy that is death.

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