Serrans Species in The Known Worlds | World Anvil
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All Serrans have at least some latent psychic ability. Most have developed much stronger abilities, such as precognition, telepathy, or even pyrokinesis. Their psychic talents are rooted in meditative mysticism, and accepted practices dictate that such powers be used altruistically rather than selfishly.   These abilities are believed to be from a remote white dwarf star, Sigma Scorpii C. A distant sentinel in the deepest reaches of space and easily ignored by the original colonists. Sigma Scorpii C is no ordinary white dwarf star, but was in fact touched by strange super- technology in the remote vastness of time and brought to unnatural, unusual intelligence.   The white dwarf’s vast, unfathomable intelligence was touched by the minds of its new neighbors on Serra... and it reached out to touch them back. The white dwarf’s influence nurtured the latent psychic abilities of the early colonists.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Physiologically, Serrans are genetically pure human stock, made somewhat leaner after generations upon a world with less Gravity. They tend to have tinier, pinpoint pupils—owing to the brightness of their star—amid correspondingly large irises that tend toward grey and blue.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Psychic abilities such as telepathy, or precognition.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Young Serran mature fairly quickly and begin families at a comparatively young age, and they naturally live well past 100 without intrusive medical assistance; a Serran nonagenarian (in their 90s) could easily be a great-great-great-great grandparent.

Common Taboos

Dishonesty is a difficult concept for most Serrans since telepathy has rendered it ineffective in their own civilization for many centuries. Those Serrans that are exposed to dishonesty find it useless and baffling.


Serrans arrived in the Sigma Scorpii system in the late 24th Century, old reckoning. They have produced more than 200 generations on their planet. More than any other human settlement has on any alien world.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100-130 years
Average Height
Male: 6'4"
Female: 6'
Average Weight
110-150 pounds
Average Physique
Slightly taller than the average human from Earth, Serrans tend to be thinner as well. This is caused by the reduced gravity on the planet.
Geographic Distribution


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