Canopans Species in The Known Worlds | World Anvil
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Canopus-4 proved to be a particularly difficult world to colonize, giving rise to a stubborn, self-reliant human civilization. Canopus-4 faced multiple near-extension events. The survivors of those twin calamities prized caution and personal fortitude, attitudes that mark their civilization to the present day.

Basic Information


Canopus-4’s gravity is slightly higher than Earth’s, which has slowly changed the physiology of its human population over their 400-year residence there. Though, genetically, they are still identical to humans from Earth. Canopans are shorter than standard humans by an average of six inches, with sturdier builds and denser, thicker bones. They have somewhat greater motive strength and significantly greater cardiovascular strength.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Canopans were the first species to discover a way to keep living beings alive in hyperspace, which resulted in the great Link-Up .

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Culturally, Canopans respect ruggedness and endurance, and they see physical weakness as something that should be changed or even repaired. Preparedness and a stoic acceptance of change and adversity are taught and cherished. Canopan humor tends toward the tragic, their food either bland or blazing, their fashion practical, their celebrations more private than public.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Canopan
European Earth
80-120 years
Average Height
Males: 1.7 meters (5'6")
Females: 1.5 meters (5')
Average Weight
Males: 75-80 kg (165-175 lbs)
Females: 50-65kg (115-140 lbs)
Average Physique
Shorter and broader than humans due to the naturally heavier gravity on Canopus.
Geographic Distribution


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