Telling Deck: The Voyage Item in The Inbound Lands | World Anvil

Telling Deck: The Voyage

Outer Deck : Vessel : One

The Voyage is the first card within the Outer Deck of Vessel. The Vessel deck revolves around themes of personal growth and inward emotion as they relate to the maturation of the Tole. Within the Outer Decks, the first card deals with concepts of embarking onto a course of action both important and demanding.  

Within the Narrative

The voyage begins, taking the Swimmer onto the waves of an unknown sea.


The Outward face of a card references when a flipped card is shown to be pictorially upright to the Tole. Outward-facing cards engage the Tole’s relationship and interactions to the external world.   When Outward, the Voyage card represents passage, typically of physical movement or a journey of an emotional nature. The presence of the multiple moons suggests a lengthy process, one that occurs probably because the Tole is being too passive when they should be assertive, or that they are having to take the long way around and finding alternate routes to get to where they want to be. Though the calm journey may seem tedious and unchanging at times, this card also encourages the Tole to be patient and to be grateful for a lack of storms.   The Inward face of a card references when a flipped card is shown to be pictorially upside-down to the Tole. Inward cards engage the Tole’s internal growth, struggles, or subconscious.   When Inward, the Voyage card represents a rite of passage, especially one with emotional significance. It suggests the Tole may be exploring themselves and the roots of their actions, feelings, or problems. In this period of alteration, the card encourages the Tole to respond with fluidity, to be adaptable and open to the approaching change. Depending on the relationship of other cards, the Voyage card may also warn of emotional upheaval, where strong emotions could put the inward journey in peril.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Subtype / Model
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Owning Organization
Related Condition
This deck is common among Teln.
2.75" wide x 5" tall
Raw materials & Components
Telling Deck cards are usually made of a stiff, heavy paper, sometimes with a waxen coat to protect the images.

Cover image: Kkaxe River banner by M Kelley


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