Thricians Ethnicity in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Formerly custodians of Karoj-Menos and allies against the Patrokonoi-Hellecia along with the Labystians, the Mycestians & their cousins the Phrodrians.

The Thricians are a bird-like species with over 400 variations throughout The Quill cluster. Though their history after Karoj-Menos was rife with civil wars and in-fighting during the Age of Anarchy.

After appealing to the Hellecians along with proving their value in unorthodox mercenary groups, valuable technology & access to their vital trade route: The Quill.

 The Thricians were one of the first outside species to be accepted into the Patrokonoi-Hellecia. (organization)

In return, the Delothian Collective infused their ruling class with Ichor. Establishing the Ordynesian Triple Assembly on their capital planet of Ordynetrio.

With access to the Kothrian navy and their Ichorized abilities of iridescent feathers (used for near universal flight, explosive projectiles & never-ending oxidizing agents), the Triple Assembly was able to stabilize The Quill and open trade to the isolated planets at the tip of the Quill.

As a result, Ordynetrio became an important trading outpost for those colonists seeking habitable planets near the edges of the Pontic Shell.

However, their border disputes with the Macestidons for control over the Chalcidik Fork/Talons have made the two Mixolastian Sub-Species bitter rivals.

Even as Thricians began spreading throughout the Hellecian Sector as mercenary groups, security forces, artisans & essential members of the Patrokonoi. Most Hellecians still saw Thricians (and most of the species on the Outer Clusters) as brutish barbarians and "unwashed carrion pigeons."


  Thricians are broken up into three distinct groups: 
  • The Baleri (peacock-like creatures who use limited flight and/or technological apparatus as infantry positions in the army). 
  • The Struthonids (ostrich-like creatures who use their speed, strength & size like cavalry to outflank and overpower an enemy position). 
  • The Galans (smaller nightingale-like creatures who can slip into enemy positions and use their unusually strong command of the Cosmic Aurora and/or their machine-gun feather projectiles to cut down enemy positions).
  • While the Ordynestrians aren't counted among the Thracian ranks. They do possess command roles in the military and direct military operations from a command center.

    Which is one of the defining characteristics of the Thricians: their obsession with threes.

    Thricians believe the number three is the universe's "stabilizing quotient." Therefore, any identical items/bundles that do not come in threes or multiples of threes are doomed to destruction.

    Because of this, most ambassadors to the Thricians carry threes of everything to improve their odds. Even traders throw in additional units to make sure an order comes out in multiples of three.

    Because of this, Thricians are seen as obssesively tidy creatures with delicate constitutions. Even skipping past the number three in a conversation can drawn the eire of a particular Thrician.

    A common phrase among Hellecians is "to make a Thrician squawk count 1-2-4."



      While most Hellecians call them Thricians after the legendary Olympian hero Thricinax during the Invasion of Karoj-Menos. The people of the Quill draw their origins (and primary species classification) to the trio: Sueret, Alemoli & Etropia.

    Sueret was the king of Ecetrius-Prime. Exiled by the Mycestians, his wife Etropia & her sister Alemoli leave Ecetrius-Prime with several Ecetrian royalists to make a new home on Quillion.

    The settlement thrived until Sueret angered their matron Aphrodite. Eros shot Alemoli with his lead arrow and Sueret with a love arrow for Etropia. In the end, Sueret tried to kill his wife and sister-in-law for murdering his son and rejecting his advances.

    Before the deed is done, Zeus intervenes and turns the trio into birds. Scattering them across the cluster that would become The Quill after the Karoj-Menos supernovae knocked them into position. 

    However, as the eons passed, Zeus observed their transformation into independent societies (Sueret=Baleri (or Cranes), Alemoli=Struthonids (or Ostriches) & Etropia=Galans (or Nightingales)) and saw in them the capacity to become great warriors, artisans & servants for Karoj-Menos.

    The Baleri served as systems administrators, Struthonids as soldiers/enforces & Galans as couriers/prophets (assisting the Ionites; legendary for their poetry) underneath the Mycestian Stable Lords and/or directly underneath the Pantheon directly on Karoj-Menos.

    Due to their past histories, manipulating their mistrust between the others were one of the many pieces to the Hellecians' plan to topple Karoj-Menos.

    Following the supernovae, the Baleri/Struthonids/Galans waged war on each other as mercenaries aboard raiding ships during the Age of Anarchy.

    Reunification on Ordynetrio:

      Following centuries of blood shed and unrest, a mysterious four species called the Ordynestrians (supposedly descended from the surviving son of Sueret/Alemoli & an Archaenid princess) established the Triple Assembly (with the help of the Collective).

    With an Ordynestrian as a hereditary "unbiased arbitrator" with a Grand Adjudicator, a Prime Minister & Secretary of the Triple Assembly making up the key members of the government. The Quill stabilized and was infused into the Patrokonoi-Hellecia as a Mixolastian Sub-Species.

    While not full members, the Quill would receive a more extensive benefits package than other client-states. While providing their unorthodox mercenaries to the Collective's armada and access to The Quill's trade route.

    This arrangement angered the neighboring Macestidons in the Pellastrom Horns (who had a precarious hold over the Chalcidik Fork as is). Gaining the Fork (now the Talons), the Triple Assembly now had access to the rare natural COAG deposits. Improving their fleets reach into the sector and polish on their star-decks' gleaming prows.  

    However, if the Collective were to find more advantageous allies than those found in The Quill. Whose to stop the incensed Macestidons from wreaking their revenge?

    Home Cluster: The Thrician Quill


    Progenitors: Heronus, Turomela & Procene (based off the main characters from Tereus).


    Member Patrokonoi: Ordynesian Triple Crown (Mixolastian Sub-Species) AlliesDelothian Collective Rivals - Macestidons

    Greek Comparison: Thracians

    Injection Date: 40 AFH (After Final Hegemony)

    Primary CHONPS Spectral Element: Oxygen

    Side Effects of Ichor: Plumage of iridescent feathers (oxidizes everything it touches) 

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