Star-Decks in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Invented by Dactylon the Engineer and his protege Goeyemedes, Star-Decks are the primary vessel model for the Patrokonoi-Hellecia and its fleet of vessels.

Star-Decks are designated by the number of decks stacked on top of each other. The standard configuration being three decks, known as "Tri-Decks."

These vessels were instrumental for the invasion of Karoj-Menos.

Their scalable design and simplified maintenance allowed less advanced Hellecian tribes to crew these ships, under the supervision of Ionite helmsmen and Archaenid commanders, to challenge the Gods with their @COAG-powered engines and gun turrets that fired ionized bolts of Ichor.

However, it was a leading cause of the collapse of the Mycestian Palace Stables and starting the Age of Anarchy following the supernovae.

After the destruction of Karoj-Menos, star-deck crews turned into raiding parties who sacked neighboring planets along the newly-formed and undefended DST Accelerator Lanes.


Star-Decks are the primary naval unit in the Patrokonoi-Hellecia. The strength/influence of a hegemon's cluster is directly proportional to the number of Star-Decks it can field at one time.

The supremacy of the Star-Deck rely on their COAG-powered engines that can make jumps in and out of the DST Accelerator Lanes and their rows of COAG Exhaust chutes - operated by Hellecian Oarsmen or non-Hellecian "coiners."

They draw heat and waste products following combustion away from the COAG reactor into space. Using an Oarsman's supply of Ichor, the by-products are ionized into bolts of energy, ZGP (Zero Gravity Propulsion) Aurora Oars used to perform coordinated maneuvers and/or create energy fields to block enemy fire.

In Hellecian circles, non-Hellecian Oarsman are called "coiners" because they're given their stipends of Ichor in Ichma coins to operate their chutes like coin-operated turrets. They're the last choice for an Oarsman crew due to the sheer cost.

These versatile ships can operate in various capacities from light cruisers to destroyers to frigates to special operations, depending on the number of decks they possess.

A single deck has at least 60 crew members in total, 45 COAG Exhaust Chutes, a barracks, maintenance shifts, and a deck nerve center with a vassal-general who reports to the Commander-Ultimos on the Star-Decks' central command deck.

As the number of decks stack-up, keeping the crews of each deck happy becomes the Commander-Ultimos' primary concern. If a crew aren't paid their opals of Ichor on-time or being pushed too hard without leave could led to a mutiny.

Which is why most commanders keep the various star-deck levels separate to weaken the ship's collective resolve and improve their loyalty to their Vassal-Generals who are then loyal to their Commander-Ultimos.

The main downsides to relying on Star-Decks are their limited travel range and lack of fighter squadrons.

While their COAG reactors can make 2-3 DST jumps before refueling. They lack the specialized/centralized storage spaces necessary to hold supplies for long-term voyages.

While individual/mass-produced decks are stocked with their own food and treasuries of Ichor. Their stores are limited. Once they run out of food, air & Ichor to pay their Oarsman. These crews either turn back home or mutiny.

Specialized decks can be added into its construction for long expeditions or specialized quarters. Most star-decks are standardized and left to patrol their parent clusters.

In terms of fighter squadrons, Hellecian naval warfare never relied on man-to-man fighters. The use of chutes as turrets and energy fields renders them useless in a space battle.

Most star-decks use lift elevator shot down to a planet's surface to transport troops and equipment on and off-world. The use of shuttles is exceptionally rare.

However, smaller/more advanced ships can maneuver past their sensors and sabotage Star-Decks without alerting the crew. Even apprehending smaller ships is a challenge.

The last resort weapon nearly every Star-Deck possesses as a scare tactic is a Matter Density Driver (MDD). It draws in all surround matter, reduces it to the size of a small city, and fires this high-density meteoroid at the surface of a planet or enemy ship.

The destructive on a population is similar to several nuclear bombs. Following the Age of Anarchy, MDD Cannons were outlawed by the Patrokonoi. Not all ships or clusters followed the dismantle order.

The most famous model of Star-Decks is the Tri-Deck The Psygorellius


Every Star-Deck is required to have a moniker in order to dock on a Hellecian-controlled planet.

This moniker is derived from their liturgical function, cluster of origin, allegiance to the Patrokonoi-Hellecia, ship name & authentication code.

For example, the name of a military bi-deck from the Thermetolian Wedge's would be called:           PTH Requiem #075-217 with PTH meaning Patrokonaut for a Thermetolian Hellecia.

Similar to Ancient Greece, Star-Decks are sponsored by a wealthy citizen from their home cluster in the form of a public liturgy.

They offer financial backing in Ichor and supplies for a Star-Deck (three limit total to prevent one influential aristocrat to seize control of the navy) in exchange for political clout and the visibility of naming the ship(s) they sponsor (i.e. "this is the PTH "Requiem" #075-217 by Syracilus the Wise").  

That being said, the cost of outfitting even one ship is enormous. Only the wealthiest members of society with financial fluidity can fund a Star-Deck expedition. Draining one's wealth at an alarming rate and reducing the length of a Star-Deck expedition.

Since Ichor is vital to the operation of a Star-Deck and borrowing it from local outposts is preventatively expensive. The success of an expedition depends on the Oarsmen and the contribution of their own Ichor.

Sponsors can both compensate the crew and cover the upfront cost of the Star-Deck. The cluster only requires the latter while the government compensates the Oarsmen for their service by reimbursing all personal Ichor used at a 3.5% interest rate with a cap of 20 Ichma per day following their return. 

Their post-mission interest rates increase as one ascends the chain of command, while initial investment in the expedition decreases as one descends the chain of command: Oarsmen, Hoplon Militia Corps, Maintenance Crews, Auxiliary Crew, Command Staff, Vassal-General, Command Deck Staff, Commander-Ultimos & Litiguros.

To collect one's Ichma and any bonuses for valor following the expedition, a crew member would have to remember their ephinym (or epithelial moniker) and the accompanying password (i.e. Ulysses "Ollie" Dylos aka The Man from Astro at 5,000 Ichma - Password: Penny).   

However, this all depends on the economic prosperity of the cluster and its interest rates.

If the rates are low: most Oarsmen will barely bring any Ichor, take their stipend on expedition, barely use it (possibly put the ship and crew in danger) and collect their 20 Ichma per day.

If the rates are high: most Oarsmen will bring as much as they can carry, overuse it with reckless maneuvers or popping off their Ichor-based weaponry (possibly damaging the ship or injuring the crew), and collect the interest plus their 20 Ichma per day.

So much of an expedition's success is either finding the right balance in pay and/or the right commanders who have the respect of their fellow crew members.

Greek Equivalent
: Triemes

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