Federation of Achillean Survivor States Organization in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Federation of Achillean Survivor States

Situated in the middle of the Kothrian Pass directly underneath the Thermetolian Wedge, The Survivor States are a federation of 11 planets governed by a council independent from the jurisdiction of the Patrokonoi-Hellecia.

While other clusters are required to add troops and ships to the Patrokonic Fleet, the Achillean Federation is given a level of autonomy. Core Worlders claim they gave this right to the Achilleans.

The reality is they're incapable of enforcing these Sector-wide laws, given that flaming garbage and space debris rain down on them from The Wedge on a continual basis. 

However, their destruction is held off by a defunct piece of technology from the Invasion of the Progenitors that provides a powerful energy shield protecting the Federation on a continual basis.

The Invasion:

During the days of the Mycestians, the region that would become the Quake wasn't a great military power, didn't have a great material wealth, wasn't even all that farmable. In fact, it was a small sliver of land that made up the intersection of over five Stable Lords' jurisdictions.

What brought them out of obscurity was a ship that would become almost as legendary as The Psygorellius: The Achillean Zeta Shield Cruiser.

Designed by the Aeonite progenitor: Aeonia with the Dactylion sorcerer-smith Leantipiter, integrated with sun technology from the Macestidons, manufactured by Thessalis-Prime, piloted by Rodrians, financed by Lypneans and manned by the best craftspeople the Aeonites could offer.

This ship was a real cooperative effort by over twelve people groups. Originally called the Leantene Sunspot, this ship was crucial in the plans of the Invasion of the Progenitors.  

While the ship itself is seemingly unremarkable, what set it apart was its legendary Zeta Shield emitter.

Using an enchanted Magnese supermagnet, the Sunspot was able to draw Cosmic Aurora out from a target to emit a flexible shield made of dark matter/powered by Zeta particles - a type of wave particle that can bring dark matter (embodiment of The Void) in and out of tangible space by "feeding" nearby dark matter these Zeta particles at the right frequency.

As a result, it's the only form of energy that can't be influenced by Ichor or even the Cosmic Aurora.

Thus, the ship was used to trap Apollo to prevent him from helping his sister Artemis and from interrupting the "Karojian Procedure" he and the traitorous Helios are performing together.

On the ground, the twelve heroes from the Illiad play out the subsequent invasion of Karoj-Menos against the Mycestians and their allies.

It's in the following supernovae that the Sunspot is sent on a collision course, dragging Apollo and Helios together.

The ship was able to survive the supernovae, saving the Quake from destruction. But its Zeta particle emitter malfunctioned and knocked the ship in to an eternal feedback loop around the ship.

From the Fire into the Furnace:

Stepping out of their broken ship on what would become Atlanike, the 25 officers and 4,500 crew members step from the smoldering rescue pods and find themselves stranded across a handful of planets.

  However, the Zeta particle emitter is still operational, protecting the newly-formed Quake from a  constant shower of flaming debris from the Thermetolian Wedge. 

Angered over the Patrokonoi-Hellecia's failure to rescue them, the officers and their crew made new lives on these planets. Over several generations, the Quake was able to reunite twelve survivors families, established a new identity as Achilleans (combination of their Thessalis' hero Achilles and the sorcerer-smith Leantipiter) and founds the Federation of Survivor States in 79 AFH.

During the Age of Anarchy, the Federation became a haven from raiding Isbar Nomad Confederacies, survivors of the Kothrian Pass and later the Perxis-Sadem behind its impenetrable shields.

Settling a diverse population over its planets and establishing an identity separate from the Hellecians, the Federation became a powerful independent state.

Unable to reabsorb the Quake into the Patorkonic fold, the Delot Council acknowledged the Achilleans' independence and granted them diplomatic relations to provide aid to ships traveling through the pass.

Another concession is establishing the Quake as a Sanctuary State. Where suspected murderers are allowed legal sanctuary from their pursuers, requiring them to live in the Quake for at least a year while their case is set before the Federal Council with a Hellecian diplomat to oversee.

This allows the Achilleans to spread their message of freedom and independence from the Patrokonoi and/or gain a citizen who'll provide value and taxable income to the state/federal council.

However, their position sits on a razor blade.

While the Zeta Particle Emitter requires 'round the clock monitoring. The only thing they're able to stretch the shield over new survivor states and raising/lowering the shields to allow ships in and out of the cluster.

However, the technology for the Zeta shields are forever lost to the Sector. And if the shields completely shut down, the Survivor States are doomed.

Which is why the Zeta Shield Emitters are for authorized technicians with a three parsec kill zone around the emitters.

Greek Equivalent: Achaean League

Homecluster: Achillean Quake

Patrokonoic Status: Sanctuary State

Member States: 11 (originally 12 until Capital Planet Atlanike was scorched by the Thermetolians)

Political, Federation

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