The Dunwich Conspiracy Session 6 Report in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

The Dunwich Conspiracy Session 6

General Summary

With a heading from Ratt and finer navigational logistics from Sir POSH, the exhausted Tommy points their aircraft towards the desolate sands of a foreign horizon. Holding onto hope as the vehicle begins to dip into its reserve power, their faith is rewarded when they spot a grouping of ruins and fortifications surrounding a dilapidated Sarsaparilla plant. With POSH sending data from his sensors directly to the internal computer system of the Cutlass, Tommy is able to make a soft landing without running into any serious obstructions or pot holes.

Greeted with the sight of a small army of automated security forces, the initial shock wears off quickly when it appears that each unit is on a low-power sentry mode. While the party debate on how to continue they are finally approached by a living being, unfortunately for Ratt this appears to be a type of creature he has a deep enmity for. Mangy and malnourished, this feline begs shamelessly for something to eat from the three strangers without any consideration for its own safety.

It is the heroic Sir POSH that intervenes, offering the poor beast a piece of cooked iguana he was keeping in his brief case for emergencies. Although this action brings protest from the Ratt, the mix of purrs and slow eye blinks stirs the sentrybot standing dormant nearby. Moving its enormous bulk aside, it seems as if the way immediately forward is now open for the party to explore, although this strange interaction looks to be only the first test in gaining entry to the isolated compound.

The group approaches the next obstacle in their path, a crudely fashioned gate composed of a utility vehicle chained to a pre-war tank. Another animal guardian bares its teeth, though this canine looks a might less friendly than the previous varmint. Beyond this junkyard dog a slobbering mutant whoops and hollers in excitement but doesn't make any attempt to communicate. While Tommy handles the mongrel with expert finesse, Sir POSH and Ratt try yelling over the barricade to get the attention of someone qualified to speak.

Doc Milton responds and tries to make sense of these three strangers and their sudden arrival. Deciding they did not pose a threat, the party is invited in to take a look at the sprawling settlement of outcasts and scoundrels for the first time. Chem addicts, drunks, and barely sentient abominations roam chaotically through the throng of tents and occupied building, leaving much to be desired when it comes to personal space. While discussing their dilemma with fuel and bartering passage overnight, the owner and proprietor of the fine establishment finally makes his debut.

Rattlesnake Jim stumbles into the conversation quite literally, the remains of a whiskey bottle sloshing around with each gesticulation as he expresses his interest in the Cutlass's origin and make. Between seeing a Necrotic Post-Human and hearing the phrase 'pre-war' for the first time, Tommy loses his composure, revealing for the first time to the rest of his compatriots that he is not aware of any nuclear apocalypse or even the end of the Sino American War itself. Although many of the details are too muddled for Tommy to articulate, it is clear that this is no act, and the man truthfully believes he was alive before the bombs fell.

With his curiosity now thoroughly peeked, RJ demands the group stay for a while and enjoy his hospitality while he looks after their plane. Though this does bring a small protest from Tommy, the ghoul wanders off with his whiskey to do just what he likes, a small compliment of military grade automatons in tow for security. With little option as a stranger to these parts, they end up at Borislav's weapon stall, looking for work and trade from the sour faced man. They don't get much more than a few ill-humored responses to their questions about his bounties, however when they decide to sell the missile launcher Ratt nicked from the Cutlass, his demeanor changes abruptly.

A rare and valuable weapon, Boris immediately makes a several layered offer to secure the treasure for himself. Taking advantage of their weary appearance he first offers them a place to stay, giving up his own personal trailer that comes stocked with a compliment of non-perishable meals and water. Seeing the Ratt carry the device up to the counter, Boris sets him up with a prototype set of knuckles that create a small plasma arc on contact. Lastly, he gives them the location of his stash of five hundred caps and promises to deliver another large payment in a few days, needing the allotted time to liquidate some of his stowed assets.

Although sacrificing this asset in future conflicts, the party will get to enjoy the spoils of their trade now. With no need to look elsewhere for a safe place to rest their heads, the group decides it is best to sleep and work towards their goals in the morning. They wake to the sound of construction equipment being used and a brand-new day of insanity inside RJ's Sarsaparilla Plant. Avoiding the worst of the needy and desperate mutants, they make a better acquaintance of Doc Milton and even get some help treating the radiation they were exposed to when Tommy accidentally vented the Cutlass's power cell.

Guided by a mix of omens and instinct, Ratt pushes forward to find the link between this odd location and the mysterious artifact he carries. Amongst the sun-bleached furniture surrounding a crackling cook-fire he finds a man that goes by 'The Indigo Shaman'. Eccentric to say the least, this figure begins to rant his story which inevitably amounts to doing a job for free. Although taken aback by the chem addled veneer of the traveler, his tale seems to hook Ratt line and sinker.

After accepting some of the foreigner's special mushrooms, the group takes a day-nap to the sounds of welding and buzz-saws shearing through scrap metal. When they awake, Sir POSH and Tommy are surprised to see the biplane in pieces. In its place sits a hybrid vehicle built from the parts of a pre-war vertibird and the Cutlass's propulsions and energy system. Impressed by the level of chaos engineering, they are less excited about the name 'Two Grasshoppers Fucking', that RJ grants it, and decide to abbreviate it to 'TGF' until they can come up with a better one.

Meanwhile the Ratt and the old traveler have a bit of a heart to heart. He reveals to Ratt that he is experiencing the beginning of 'the Sight', and that he can further develop his ability to have clearer visions. The answer, he claims, will come from ingesting the irradiated fungus located at a distant Super Duper Mart that has been taken by a fanatical cult. Bringing back the spores of three separate strains will allow the man to create a tincture that will enlighten anyone who partakes of it in a way deeply personal and humbling. Writing down the coordinates for Ratt to share with Tommy and his Pip Pad, he returns to his thematic ramblings and guitar playing to entertain the others around the fire.

Player Reports

Sir POSH falls into his element as he negotiates and barters his way through every encounter. Though most leave a lot to be desired as far as conversation goes, he manages to find another intellectual hiding amidst the drugged-up mutants like a diamond in the rough. Doc Milton offers some free advice and directions to his new friend and seems especially curious as to his make and model. Deflecting this question with grace and charisma as he always does, the pixelated bead of sweat that he animated on his monitor could be a tell that this line of questioning makes him a bit uncomfortable. Witnessing his organic compatriots under the influence of the Indigo Shaman's foreign fungi, POSH devises a plan to replicate the effects it has on his own secret internal components. This works perhaps a bit too well and he finds himself in a low-power state for a handful of hours later, his altered perspective switching off at the next cycle of operation. With no ordinary automaton of any sort being able to accomplish such an experience, clues to the true nature of this mysterious little robot are starting to add up..

Although most discount Ratt's intellect due his speech, it is clear to those that pay attention that this missing milestone in his development does not mean that he is stupid. Searching for the meaning to his dreams and an answer to the 'curse' that has killed his entire family, he lets his two new friends do most of the leading while he keeps an eye out for signs he is on the right path. Not only do his compatriots get to learn a little more about his history, but they also learn the hunched over man is actually well over six feet tall when he is not painfully bent in half to navigate the cramped corridors and maintenance shafts of the Vault Crawler. After Ratt witnesses the energy that connects sentients to their destinies and potential futures for the first time, he can feel that a great secret of the universe is beginning to unravel itself before him. Despite the appearance of the aging, chem pushing stranger, he knows that this 'Indigo Shaman' was not put in his path by chance, and that without these irradiated mushrooms it could take quite a long time to unlock his abilities naturally.

Tommy is confronted with several realities that change his understanding of the world forever. Convinced he was living before the fall of mankind, the shock of discovering the end of the Great War puts him in a slightly catatonic state until he gets some rest. Finding another easy cure in a bottle of whiskey, he copes by researching fragmented articles and accounts recorded on Carter's old Pip Pad. Although this does nothing to lift his spirits, the official conformation allows him to begin his grieving process for the lost era that he feels so deeply that he belongs to. After speaking further with POSH about the facial recognition scan he performed aboard the Dreadnought, a few more pieces to this puzzle land right in his lap. Belonging to a veteran that died naturally before the end of the Sino American War at the ripe age of sixty-eight, it would be impossible that the two are one in the same. Unfortunately, these answers lead only to more questions, and 'lucky enough' for Tommy, this 'Indigo Shaman' claims he has just the cure. All he has to do is help Ratt get some mushrooms.

Felivans as Sir POSH

Beanlord as Dusty Rattmen, 'The Rat'

Gregrprime as Tommy

GM: Zyxthylum

Campaign: The Dunwich Conspiracy

Report Date
07 Feb 2023

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