Cram the Cyberchimp Character in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

Cram the Cyberchimp

Although most of the logs were too damaged for anyone to have read if they had even cared to, it is clear to most that Cram is an exotic animal not only to the region, but to this part of the world. The victim of cybernetic research, most of his organic matter has been replaced with bionic counterparts. Used as a learning device, some of the craftsmanship and technology contains left over bugs and design flaws from before the war.

Practically comatose, this creature follows around the being that released it from cryosleep night and day and will perform several tricks in exchange for his favorite treat which his inventive owner also decided should be his name. Those unlucky enough to agitate this animal will find how quickly the calm and docile nature can turn to blind murderous rage. With all the gray matter that is deteriorated, it seems the part of the chimpanzee brain that tells them to attack the face and groin remains.

Sometimes a bit too friendly for his own good, Cram is a habitual pickpocket, often holding valuables hostage for food and attention. Those that don't play along risk his ire, and any act of aggression can have fatal consequences. The big soft-headed mutant that watches over him does not take kindly to anyone upsetting his best friend, so those without a sense of humor and practically limitless patience should avoid them at all costs.

  • Age- 222 years old

  • Birthplace- ???, ???


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