Borislav Character in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil


Many stories exist about the infamous man known as Borislav the Unkillable, many stories woven by a very drunk RJ. As the man rarely communicates with anyone else with much more than a scowl, the true details are as good a guess as anyone's. What is known is that Boris is an experienced gunsmith and merchant who seems to have a natural resistance to radiation without visible mutations.

Although there isn't always much in the way of business at the Sarsaparilla Plant, it is a good place to manufacture goods and secure bulk wares that are hard to transport during caravan runs. Several layers of automated defenses keep away the common raiders, and RJ's policy of 'No thief left right-handed', deters locals from getting bold in his absence. Owning a grumpy but tamed giant molerat, the trek back and forth to outposts in the area is slow but requires little financial upkeep.

Having scavenged a local military base alongside RJ back when the train was working, Boris sells everything from small arms to vehicle-mounted heavy ordinance. Those without the caps to spend can also find bounties posted on a board outside his trading stall. Designed to cull threats on the local roads to encourage trade and keep his routes clear, these contracts can include anything from simple pests to violent raider gangs. A shrewd negotiator, only the desperate and the depraved typically work for Boris and his meager wages.

  • Nickname- The Unkillable

  • Age- 47

  • Birthplace- The NCR Capitol (formerly Shady Sands), California (United States)


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