Elves Species in The Farlands | World Anvil
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"Tall, beautiful, immortal, these are the most common words that the common man would refer to elves. But as I am one of those who have met those of the more divine persuasion, and I can name other words to describe their 'delightful' races. Prideful, Sadistic, Isolated, the elves have always kept to themselves, seeing their lot in life has been preordained by the very beings that made the ground they walk upon, they were created by the gods to be the wardens of the world, and this fate coupled with their immortality make them very distant and drawn back from the workings and events of the world, with each kingdom and people of the elves fixating upon and obsessing over a core aspect of creation." -Thornwood

Basic Information


standing slightly taller than humans on average ranging from 5 and a half feet tall to just over 6 feet. Their status of immortality makes them more untethered from the world making them unnervingly beautiful compared to that of mortal creatures. Elves are bipedal four limbed mammals with elongated and slender frames and narrow faces. There skin is largely fair and unblemished with two large pointed ears on either side of their heads.

Biological Traits

Of the race of Elves their are currently three within the mortal world, the High Elves who dwell in large beautiful cities of white stone, The Wood Elves who reside in large tree cities within the deepest and most forgotten woods of the world, and the Dark Elves who live in massive spined fortress cities that reside both above and below the earth within the darkest reaches of the world. Each sub-race has their own distinct features and skin tones that distinguishes them from each other.   High Elves appear tall and elegant with blonde hair and narrow faces with large pointed ears. Their skin is pale and largely unblemished, across their slender and beautiful frames.   Wood Elves have a slightly smaller frame then their High Elf brethren with dirty blonde to light brown hair with pronounced faces and slightly smaller pointed ears. Their skin is tanner like a light caramel with few lines of freckles sprinkled across their bodies.   Dark Elves are generally between the height of their two sibling races, with silver, white, or raven hair with narrow almost gaunt faces and pale nearly white skin, blemished only by one or two faint moles upon their bodies. What separates Dark Elves the most from their sibling races however is their eyes, all Dark Elves and Half-Dark Elves are born with violet eyes that glow faintly in the dark.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves have a similar reproduction and gestation period to that of humans, 9-10 months is the average pregnancy period for an elven female and the conventional means of sexual reproduction are known to the elves. But uniquely among all other races Elves have the ability to conceive children through pure magical connection. When two Elves form a strong enough love bond, their magical essences can combine, without need for intercourse. This connection can create life within the body of the female Elf, allowing her to conceive a child. The children born from this phenomena are called Gift Children and are generally seen as a good omen for an elven house.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves develop physically in stages, their early years from birth to the age of about 27-31 is comparable to that of human aging. But upon the end of that stage the physical aging process is significantly slowed, at the age of roughly 100 an elf will reach peak maturity and the aging process will be halted for some time. Elves over the age of 100 will have the appearance of a human in the peak of their youth and will not show signs of aging until well into their 700s. From then the aging process will continue at a slow crawl though the youthful image until death, elves that reach the age of twilight 3,000-4,000, will appear as elegant elders their skin still youthful and vibrant, but their hair has now become snow white or silver and their eyes show the weight of their long life.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Depending on the subrace of elf they will have either a patriarchal or matriarchal society. The majority of elven society is centered around the initial household structure, and branches off from there to include sub houses and larger clans and tribes of elves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves can be found all across the world, though their appearance within those lands differs from region to region.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are magical beings, largely untethered from the world but dwelling upon it all the same. They are blessed with immortality, thought they can still be killed through conventional means. The only way for an elf to achieve death from old age is if they have built a strong connection with the world of the gods or the world of the fey, these elves who live for 3,000-4,000 years of age are able to simply let go of their physical forms and become free spirits able to traverse the ethereal planes or the realms of the gods.
Genetic Descendants
3,000 years
Average Height
5.5-6.3 feet
Average Weight
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Elves


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