Quicksilver Character in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Quicksilver (a.k.a. Q)

Quicksilver is a silver dragon, and the main companion of DM.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quicksilver is a silver dragon with overlapping metal scales. Her horns lay back relatively straight and flat against her head, curving down slightly toward her neck.

Special abilities

  • Fire Breath: Quicksilver has the ability to breathe fire. Most metal dragons' flame color matches the color that their metal would burn in a flame test. However, since silver produces no notable color, Quicksilver's fire is simply standard orange, tinging blue the closer it gets to her mouth.
  • Magic Detection
  • Metallokinesis: Quicksilver has the ability to use metal-based magic, but this ability is still in its infancy, and is something she is actively working to hone and improve.
  • Supernatural Speed: To date, nobody has beaten Quicksilver in a race. Despite the heavy makeup of her metal scales, Quicksilver is one of the fastest dragons alive, and her skill in the air is unparalleled, making her something of a prodigy.
  • Telepathy: Like all dragons, Quicksilver communicates with other people telepathically, projecting her thoughts into others' minds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Quicksilver was born in a forest, outside of Zytria, a human settlement, located on the continent of Ameirix. She hatched in front of DM, who was practicing his magic at the time. After a dragon attack on Zytria, DM's home city, DM had to make a choice of whether to kill or spare her, and upon deciding to save her life, he took her and fled the continent. For years they traveled looking for a place away from humans to stay, and during this time, Quicksilver grew rapidly, making her harder to hide. Eventually, they settled on the continent of Eistros. DM asked for help from the ones already living there, the elves, and although they were repulsed at first, given humanity's actions during the great war, Quicksilver managed to convince them by acting as DM's character witness. They were able to carve out a cave in the side of a mountain to live in, and as DM rescued more dragons, the cave grew in size. To this day, Quicksilver still lives with DM in his cave, waiting for the day when humans and non-humans can live in peace once more.

Gender Identity




Morality & Philosophy

Quicksilver is somewhat optimistic, but can also be quite frank with others, and unlike most dragons, does not possess the same mature air that they do, having been raised by DM. She has a good heart and always tries to do the right thing or keep DM in check, even if she's no more experienced than he is.

Personality Characteristics


Quicksilver's main motivation is supporting DM in whatever he may do, as well as trying to bring peace between humans and non-human races.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Quicksilver is highly skilled and swift in the air, but her magical abilities with metal leave something to be desired.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Beef, Darkfire, DM, Flashstorm, flying, Princess Goldwing, venison Dislikes: Authority, being told what to do, cleaning up after DM's messes, Fireswirl

Virtues & Personality perks

Quicksilver has a heart of gold, and only wishes the best for DM and the other dragons. She can come off as somewhat motherly to DM, even though she's younger than he is. When DM is struggling, she's always there for him to help him through.

Vices & Personality flaws

Quicksilver is still barely an infant in terms of dragon years, and being raised by DM has caused her to lack the mature air that most dragons have. She can be just as impulsive as DM is, and sometimes gets caught up in whatever he's doing without thinking ahead.


Contacts & Relations

DM is her guardian and best friend. She is also friends with Darkfire, Freezeflame, and Princess Goldwing.

Religious Views

While Quicksilver acknowledges the gods' existence, she does not actively worship them.

Social Aptitude

Quicksilver is somewhat introverted around new people, and her attitude can often turn people away. However, she enjoys the company of others in mild doses, and tries to get along with them.



Best friend (Vital)

Towards DM, The "Dragon Manipulator"



DM, The "Dragon Manipulator"

Best friend (Vital)

Towards Quicksilver




Quicksilver and DM became friends and partners when he found her egg in the forest.

Neutral Good
Current Status
Current Location
9 (0.38 dragon years)
Ameirix, near Zytria
Current Residence
Eistros, DM's cave
Bright blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
14 feet (4.3m)
17.8 mt (39,000 lbs)
Known Languages
Like all dragons, Quicksilver can inherently speak and understand all languages.