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Say it with Flowers

Written by Endrise

All that these things know is gibberish, like a parrot being taught how to repeat a phrase. To find coherent thought in them is to find reason in madness.
— Faelands Researcher

Memorillies, also known as Thought Takers, are a Fae plant that grows around reincarnation pools in the Faelands. With its ability to absorb and give memories, some see it as a way to heal forgotten thoughts while others see it as a way to harness them instead.

Thought Takers


Memorillies are small flowers known for their white colouration that turn beige with age. As a bulb, it has a more spherical form, uncurling itself into long rectangular petals.

The distinct trait of the plant is the various forms of writing visible on the petals. These can occur as anywhere from basic letters with no coherent pattern to whole sentences. Languages can vary between each one, although dialects of the Faelands are the most common.

Ecology & Habitat

The only known habitat of the plant is around reincarnation pools. The outside climate does not matter, as Memorillies seem unphased by temperature and what soil it grows in. A specimen can survive in any environment as long as it can feed off memories.

In more dire situations, a Memorilly can turn parasitic, latching onto any sentient being. Rooting itself to the scalp of a creature, it can feast directly from their memories. However, prolonged exposure can cause memory loss and kill a host by removing basic functions like breathing.

Dietary Needs

Memorillies feed off memories. It latches onto one’s thoughts and devours them, inscribing it on their petals. The language and fonts used depend on a person’s own knowledge and way of expressing themselves, allowing each flower to turn unique as they grow.

The writing has very little coherent thought, as the plant picks memories at random. Strong memories nourish them more, feeding off the emotional nature from such thoughts.


Memorilly by Endrise

Scientific Name
Lilium Memento
Average Height
3' - 4'
7cm - 10cm

Memories of Another World

Memorillies have a long history with those deep into Fae research. Their unique ability to consume thought makes them sought after by collectors, both live specimens or mere samples. Although obtaining them is harder than it seems.

Most only grow in the Faelands themselves, several guarded by greater Fae who protect the pools. Even if one finds a flower, without proper memory to feed from, they perish within days. Unless one is willing to sacrifice someone’s mind of others, a Memorilly does not survive for long.


There are a few known usages for the Memorilly, often connected with medicine and mind-related situations.

Memory Recovery

The petals of the Memorilly have a memory-fixing nature, allowing one to fix gaps in their mind. While many first assumed it healed lost memories, it actually replaces them with new ones instead. Minor gaps form no issue for it, but those with severe cases of amnesia have less luck recovering their thoughts.

Relying too much on the Memorilly can also create false memories, causing one to believe things that did not happen to them. Precaution is to be made should one attempt to use it.

Knowledge Boost

Alongside memories, it can also boost one’s knowledge. One may acquire skills and info on subjects they did not know before, although limited by their own understanding of the world. Hence why less intelligent beings struggle to keep such complex thoughts.


More extreme cases can extract knowledge from people’s mind with it, as it can strip a memory from their mind onto the petal. Although better options exist to gather such info than a rare flower.

Public Knowledge

Memorillies are a legendary plant for most not common with the Faelands. Most regard it as a rumour, made up by travellers around the world, while others seek to find it to no avail, lost in the ever-changing domains the plant grows in.

Occasionally, one does emerge, ending up in arcane circles who hope to use it for various reasons. Trying to acquire the knowledge of Fae to learn spells and other secrets the otherworldly beings keep secret. The difficulty lies in finding a flower with suitable knowledge, or knowing what to digest. Otherwise, one is prone to go mad with false memories and thoughts not of their own.

Myths & Legends

I'm not reading such vulgar thoughts out loud.
— Faelands Explorer
Known Rumours
  • The breeze of the Faelands would blow the thoughts of Memorillies into the wind for anyone to hear.
  • A flower that survives long enough may turn sapient enough to communicate with other beings by writing on its petals.
  • Memorillies do not have a specific taste, their flavour changes depending on what memories it feeds on.
Memento Mori

One fabled legend speaks of a Memorilly holding a Fae's final thought, the Memento Mori Memorilly. The thought of death, the point where Fae give up their own reincarnation.

Such a memory would allow anyone to see what lies beyond a Fae’s true death and see their afterlife. Other theories suggest it could kill any Fae of any type when eaten, making them believe they died and surrendering their immortality by force.

However, no known primary sources of it ever existing make the Memento Mori Memorilly only pure myth. Although even that does not stop some from seeking it out anyways.

Cover image: Language Cover by Endrise


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Mar 11, 2021 12:08

I like the idea, very original to have writing on the plant leaves itself! The fact that other creatures can gain sapience from reading it is a nice addition. Layout is also nice, no long pieces of text and to the point. The only thing that could perhaps be somewhat improved, but it is a bit nitpicking, is that the sentences regarding the reincarnation pools are kind of similar so perhaps use a different structure or choice of words there. But besides that nice article! Perhaps a tooltip for the reincarnation tools could be added if you want to add something extra. :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Mar 21, 2021 22:54 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

This is a very cool plant idea! I like the idea of people just gaining random memories from other people, potentially learning some very interesting stuff – and the potential change in personality that can results from that can lead to so many story ideas! Would some unscrupulous people force some prisoners to eat them/ or someone in a position of authority convince other people to do so, so that they can share the new information they are getting?   You say that "in dire situations", the flower will latch onto people. I think you could add examples of what would be a dire situation for those flowers. Is it if someone is trying to pick them?   I understand that this is a defence mechanism for the plant, so once it has siphoned the memories and thus neutralised the threat what becomes of it? Can it go back to the ground? Does it stay in the body and use it as fertiliser once the person dies?   And the idea of animals becoming sapient is also very intriguing!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Mar 23, 2021 00:45 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of these. I particularly like that can be use to help cure memory loss. Does it work on something chronic like Alzheimers or only something more acute?

Mar 26, 2021 22:58

Hello Endrise! Congrats for participating in the challenge. The concept of a Memorilly is fairly original, and beautiful.   You mentioned that this plant gathers and feeds off of thoughts and memories, and also that it can be used to cure amnesia. Do you mean that people ingesting it will gain the memories the plant absorbed? Or that they will gain back their own memories?   Also, how does sapience work in that world? Do you consider a sort of scale of sapience from the understanding of others to the ability to cast spells? And how are animals turned sapient by memorillies considered? Would nobles use it to make their pets more intelligent?   In any case, that's a great entry. Good job!

With love,   Pouaseuille.
Mar 27, 2021 07:06

Glad that you like it! As for your questions:   A bit of both: It basically tries to use whatever memories it has stored to either fix the gaps in one's mind, or generate new sections of the memory. It's why those with a decent memory gain new ones more often, while amnesiacs will have their mental gaps filled up by weaving together any existing memories with that of a Memorilly's. It's why overdosing can be dangerous: you might end up creating a full-on false memory.   As for sapience, I guess I just meant "They're able to understand societal complexity". Spellcasting just tends to be a very complex thing to study for Wizards, but if a wolf would say have those memories, they might use it. Many often consider such creatures Fae-touched, which can ranged from a blessing to a curse depending on who you ask. But the Memorilly's scarcity and randomness does not make it a viable for raising intelligence in beings. Better to use other rituals to raise intelligence.

Apr 11, 2021 00:20 by Michael Chandra

This plant could easily star in a horror story. O,o It sounds real nice though, if handled with care.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Apr 12, 2021 14:56 by Mark Laybolt

Hi Endrise!   I love the Memorilly art piece you made for your sidebar! Your plant is unique both in its form and its use (my favourite being the ability to grant sapience, especially with the options it gives me as a GM.) Two items for your attention:   1) I assume it's intentional for both your main content and scientific name box to both be partly shifted to the left? I haven't seen that done in an article before so figured I'd bring it to your attention in case something broke in your CSS/BBCode.   2) You wrote à in 1 to 2 feet as the only French in the article so it may be pragmatic to remove it.   Wonderful job!

Feb 4, 2024 00:09 by Enoris Leinwand

This is such an amazing, original and enternaining article ! I generally enjoy to see interpretation of fae mythology, as it is magic and mysterious all at once. This one is mastered very well and was a delight to read ! I like the layout of it, the way it's arranged. I had a great time reading and the info separated well into my mind to be digested, aswell as if they were in my primary language, so kudos to that !