Demourlon Geographic Location in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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"The region of Demourlon lies in central Burbry, and is made of hilly woodlands and open fields. The region is almost entirely part of the Grand Duchy of Darmagne and the two names are often used interchangeably to refer to the region.   Demourlon is located in the center of the continent. With gentle rolling hills and rivers flowing down from the mountains in the east the land is very fertile. It is no wonder that the Ryric Empireand later the Burbric Empire were founded in these lands.   Demourlon has been a part of the Kingdom of Burbry since its earliest days. The kingdom was founded on the shores of Lake Ryrmon after the fall of the Ryric Empire. The Demourlon region was quickly incorporated into the realm and has been a part of it ever since. Having witnessed the rise, fall, second rise and slow decline of the Burbric Empire, the Demourlon region is filled with relics of the Empire's ancient past. Ruins of old, abandoned cities dot the landscape, some of which have been reoccupied in an attempt to restore the glory of times past.   Grand Duke Bartrent IV of Sassent, the cousin of King Auder XI of Burbry, rules over the Grand Duchy of Darmagne. His domain is the largest of all the king's vassals and he is an influential figure in Burbry. His cousin has lost the favor of the aristocracy and is involved in a complicated game of politics to maintain authority over his subject. Bartrent VI publicly plays the role of loyal vassal, but is secretly scheming to gain the favor of the aristocracy and take the kingdom for himself."   D. Harewood, Fendalian Cartographer


  • Demourlon/Darmagne
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