Central Domari Geographic Location in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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Central Domari

For many thousands of years the kingdom of Domari has ruled over the Domart Mountain. Many dwarven cities are scattered across the peaks with undercities, carved from the mountains and connected by endless labyrinthine tunnels.   In the Age of Dwarves, over three thousand years ago, Domari was one of the kingdoms that ruled over the mountains of Wordal. After the destruction of the dwarven kingdoms Domari was the last place where dwarves still resided in large numbers. For many centuries they hid away in the mountains, rebuilding and expanding their homes. From their homes in the mountains they witnessed the rise of a new people and the first empires of Men.   Throughout all this the dwarves od Domari were content with their homes in the mountains, unbothered by humans and other people. However, in recent decades something changes. Further and more often the dwarves from down from the mountains. It started with small outposts in the foothills and valleys, but it wasn't long before they started pushing into Burbric lands.   When the War of the Vale broke out Domari was eager to join in a way that dwarves never were before. They took every opportunity they got to claim land from the Burbric Empire and settled in the valleys around the mountains of their original kingdom. Burbric settlements were quickly incorporated into their kingdom and new homes built to house and ever ongoing stream of dwarves seeking homes away from the mountains.   Something drove the dwarves away from their ancestral homes.


  • Central Domari
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