Battle of Tenochtitlan

The overthrow of the most powerful empire in Testudica took a total of five days. The war was fought with a single extended battle, and resulted in the creation of one of the world's strongest republics, the United Nahua Republic.

The Conflict


The Triple Alliance had dominated the region of southern Testudica for over a century. They brought all the surrounding city states and villages under their control, demanding tributes of gold and slaves and nothing in exchange. When the French arrived in 1525, looking for gold, they found allies in the conquered people of the empire. Their strongest ally was Tlaxcala, one of the few remaining independent city states that was located right on Tenochtitlan's doorstep. The French allied with Tlaxcala and aimed to overthrow the powerful Triple Alliance.


The battle started abruptly. The French had planned to subtly gain power in Tenochtitlan through negotiation. However, Tlaxcala realized their intended to turn on their native allies as soon as they had power, and so instigated the fight before the French could set root in Tenochtitlan's place.   A Tlaxcaltec assassin snuck into Tenochtitlan while the Mexica were busy with the French. He shot the Mexican emperor, Moctezuma II, with a gun that had earlier been given by the French. The Mexica, believing the shot to come from another Frenchman, turned on their guests and began the fight.


The battle raged throughout the streets of Tenochtitlan. Very little fighting happened in the woods beyond the city; it was an urban battle. This made the fight difficult for all parties, as none of them were accustomed to fighting in narrow alleys or among canals. The local Mexica initially had the advantage due to being familiar with the city.


The United Nahua Republic was founded on the battlefield in the aftermath of the fight. After the defeat of both the Triple Alliance and the French, Malinali delivered the now-famous Speech of Union to encourage all the belligerents to retain their alliance and form a united country to expel future threats.   The United Nahua Republic has gone on to be a major player in world politics and is one of the most dominant cultural forces in the New World. Their presence disrupted future European colonial efforts and helped to ensure that the New World did not entirely come under control of Europe.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
April 25, 1526
Ending Date
April 30, 1526
Conflict Result
Overthrow of the Triple Alliance and ousting of the French


Triple Alliance

Led by




70,000 warriors 15,000 civilians


Maintain control of Tenochtitlan and their empire

Led by






Overthrow the Triple Alliance and take control of the empire
Tlaxcaltec Alliance

Led by






Destroy the Triple Alliance and kick the French out of their land