The Grey Bark Tree Species in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

The Grey Bark Tree

The Cold

The Grey Bark Tree lives naturally cold locations, though the seeds are almost impossible to grow in the cold, the trees needing to be inside of a network of matching tree roofs where they inseminate each other underground.

The consequence is that planting in new ground is almost impossible, but in the safety of community were able to spread quickly, only taking up small ground to filling massive areas with enough wood to sustain entire territories for centuries.

It makes the birth of their trees an amazing achievement worth tens of thousands of gold but can be a nightmare for those who do not want them for fear of them destroying their ecosystems.

Miracle Sap

  But their wood is not their best feature but rather their sap, which is extremely valuable for the Cold Steppers and The Abesante People, as the sap let them preserve their naturally released nutrients and can sustain them for an incredibly long time.

The Lihlaza and other chalk based creatures can also use the sap in combination with their chalk to produce a fantastic long term fertilizer for plants, creatures and biomass, it is worth hundreds of thousands in gold.

It did not mean that it was easy collecting the sap but is easily worth the effort.

Furry Wood

The bark have very thick fur which can be poisonous, if one doesn't take precautions. The fur is a warm and prime point for dozens and sometimes hundreds of breeds of lizards and large insects who enjoy the sap as those trying to mine it.

Geographic Distribution


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