Religion and the Gods Tradition / Ritual in The Azure Sea | World Anvil

Religion and the Gods

Religion plays an important part in the lives of many inhabitants of The Azure Sea. Even the most sceptical fisherman will occasionally offer a quick prayer to Procan. Whilst there are a few minor deities specific to small, isolated tribes and settlements, the vast majority of the population worships one of the Major Pantheon.   There are several gods in the world, all representing one aspect or another. They are believed to be corporeal, physically bound entities. They can usually be seen, but are believed to be able to take incorporeal form and to also be "present" in spirit. Whether or not the gods are all knowing is debatable and it varies between faiths and individuals. But it is agreed that the gods are not omnipotent, their power limited in some way. How it is limited also varies with who tells the story, but they are considered to be extraordinarily powerful entities, far beyond that of any mortal, but still limited and unable to perform extreme feats such as moving mountains, draining the seas or even striking individuals dead on the spot.  

The Major Pantheon

  There are forty-one deities that are generally classed as the Major Pantheon. Of course, there are many other Small Gods, who are worshipped by individuals or small settlements, but do not have a widespread faith. Many of these Small Gods are but avatars or aspects of deities of the Major Pantheon.   Procan is one of the most widely worshipped deities on The Azure Sea. His influence over ocean currents and sea weather mean his name will be uttered on every coast.   Whilst Procan is most widely worshipped, the largest organised church in the lands of The Azure Sea is that of Pelor. The church is based in Keymouth and holds great influence over the politics of the city and the Cerulean Empire. Priests and paladin's of the church are often seen travelling the roads of the empire to proselytize.   Other deities with widespread worship and churches include Atroa, Celestian, Deep Sashelas, Kelanen and Zilchus.

Deity Alignment Worshipped By Domain of Influence
Atroa NG All. Farmers and druids. The Spring. The East Wind. Renewal.
Bahamut LG Draconic races. Metallic Dragons. Wind. Wisdom.
Beltar CE Subterranean races. Malice. Caves. Pits.
Beory N All. The Earth. Nature. Rain.
Blibdoolpoolp NE Kuo Toa and Bullywugs. The Deep. Darkness. Insanity. Rage.
Boccob N All. Oracles, seers and mages. Magic. Arcane Knowledge. Balance. Foresight.
Cegilune NE Witches and hags. Larvae. Hags. The Moon.
Celestian N All. Astronomers, astrologers, navigators, and dreamers. Stars. Space. Wanderers.
Corellon Larethian CG Elves. Artisans and mages. Elves. Magic. Music. Arts. Crafts. Poetry. Warfare.
Deep Sashelas CG Elves. Tritons. Sailors and romantics. Aquatic Elves. Oceans. Knowledge. Beauty. Water Magic.
Ehlonna NG All. Hunters, foresters, rangers, Brownies, Elves, Gnomes, and Halflings. Forests. Woodlands. Flora and Fauna. Fertility.
Fenmarel Mestarine CN Outcasts and small tribes of Wild Elves. Wild Elves. Outcasts. Scapegoats. Isolation.
Garl Glittergold NG Dwarves and Gnomes. Gnomes. Protection. Humour. Trickery. Gem-cutting. Smithing.
Gruumsh CE Orcs, Bugbears and Goblins. Orcs. Conquest. Survival. Strength.
Hextor LE All. Warriors and soldiers. War. Discord. Massacres. Conflict. Fitness. Tyranny.
Ioun Unaligned Dragons, scholars and sages. Knowledge. Prophecy. Skill. Fate.
Istus N All. Cynics and philosophers. Fate. Destiny. Divination. Future. Honesty.
Iuz CE All, though normally hidden. Deceit. Pain. Oppression. Evil.
Kelanen N All. Pirates and duelists. Swords. Sword skill. Balance.
Kord CG All. Barbarians and beserkers. Athletics. Sports. Brawling. Strength. Courage.
Kyuss NE All. Necromancers and cultists. Creation. Necromancy. Control. Undead.
Lendor LN All. Sages and the elderly. Time. Tedium. Patience. Study.
Lolth CE Inhabitants of the Underdark. Drow. Spiders. Evil. Darkness. Chaos.
Maglubiyet NE Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears. Goblins. War. Rulership.
Moradin LG Dwarves. Dwarves. Creation. Smithing. Protection. Metalcraft. Stonework.
Nerull NE All. Assassins and evil cults. Death. Darkness. Murder. The Underworld.
Olidammara CN All. Rogues, bards, beggars, thieves and bon vivants. Music. Revels. Wine. Rogues. Humour. Tricks.
Orcus CE Necromancers and the Undead. The Demon Prince of the Undead.
Panzuriel NE All. Assassins and evil sea creatures. Murder. Confusion. Subversion.
Pelor NG All. Philanthropists. The Sun. Light. Strength. Healing.
Pholtus LG All. Paladins and templars. Light. Resolution. Law and Order.
Procan CN All. Sailors, fishermen and smugglers. Seas. Sea Life. Salt. Sea Weather. Navigation.
Quorlinn N Kenku. Thieves, burglars and conmen. Ravens. Trickery. Disguise. Thievery.
Ralishaz CN All. Gamblers, drunks and madmen. Chance. Ill Luck. Misfortune. Insanity.
Sekolah LE Sahuagin and Carcharions Sahuagin. Plunder. Hunting. Tyranny.
Semuanya N Lizardfolk Lizardfolk. Survival. Propagation.
Tharizdun NE Evil cults. Eternal Darkness. Decay. Entropy. Malign Knowledge. Insanity.
Tiamat LE Draconic races. Chromatic Dragons. Conquest. Greed.
Yondalla LG Halflings. Halflings. Protection. Family. Diplomacy. Wisdom. The Cycle of Life. Tradition. Community.
Zilchus LN All. Merchants and politicians. Power. Prestige. Money. Business. Influence.

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The Green Goddess.

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The Mother of the Deeps.

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The Lord of all Magic.

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The Hag.

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The Far Traveller.

Corellon Larethian
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Creator of the elves.

Deep Sashelas
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Lord of the Alugach.

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Fenmarel Mestarine
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The Lone Wolf.

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The Watchful Protector of Gnomes.

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The One-Eyed Patron of Orcs.

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Scourge of Battle.

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The Knowing Mistress.

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The Lady of Our Fate.

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Master of the Dread and Awful Presences.

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The Duellist.

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The Warrrior.

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The Herald of the Age of Worms.

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The Master of Time.

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The Queen of the Demonweb Pits.

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The High Chieftain of Goblins.

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The Dwarf-father.

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The Reaper.

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The Laughing God.

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The Demon Prince.

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Scourge of the Seas.

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The Sun Father.

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The Blinding Light.

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The primal god of the seas.

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Master of trickery and thieves.

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The Mad Gambler.

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The Devourer of the Deeps.

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Cover image: Religion by Unknown


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