The Sea Mother, the Whip of Whips
Blibdoolpoolp is the deity worshipped by the kuo toa race. She is also known as the "Sea Mother."
Blibdoolpoolp usually takes the form of a 20-foot tall nude human female, with a lobster's head and claws in place of humanoid parts. At close range, her gaze causes insanity.
Divine Domains
Destruction, Evil, Water.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Blibdoolpoolp's symbol is a single pearl.
Tenets of Faith
Blibdoolpoolp is worshiped chiefly by kuo toa. It's been suggested that the froglike mother goddess worshiped by the bullywugs may be a more benign aspect of Blibdoolpoolp.
Priests of the Sea Mother are called "whips" and wear pearl-coloured vestments, shell helms, and drape themselves in nets as part of ceremonies.
Blibdoolpoolp's holy day is the new moon of Celene, and rituals are held in underwater shrines. Gems, pearls, humans, and lobsters (her sacred animal) are sacrificed to her monthly.