Kyuss Character in The Azure Sea | World Anvil


The Wormgod, the Bonemaster, the Herald of the Age of Worms

Kyuss is a demigod concerned with the Creation and Mastery of the Undead.   In his divine form, Kyuss appears as a towering humanoid shaped entirely of green Kyuss worms, with two blazing eyes peering from beneath the hood of his ragged cloak.

Divine Domains

Death, Destruction, Evil, Corruption.

Holy Books & Codes

The holiest text of Kyuss's faith is a set of metal plates foretelling a coming Age of Worms, which Kyuss unearthed from Antarian ruins in the Drowned Jungle.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kyuss' symbol is a skull erupting with writhing green worms.

Tenets of Faith

Kyuss' faithful believe that life is an obscenity, albeit a temporary one, and that Death offers only nothingness. Undeath, then, is the only worthwhile goal, and followers of Kyuss are encouraged to spread this gift as far as they can. They are permitted to control them if necessary but encouraged to set them free to do as they will when their creators have no further use. Undead are sacred to Kyuss, and his followers are not permitted to destroy them except in self-defence.   Kyuss is worshiped by Humans, undead, avolakia, and ulgurstasta. The Ebon Triad is a false cult created by worshippers of Kyuss.   Clerics of Kyuss raid graveyards to create undead, selling their creations or letting them run wild. The more powerful ones seek to create new kinds of undead and seek lichdom or some other form of undeath for themselves. They seek to free their master, and travel to various places holy to their faith.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil

Kyuss' Symbol by Unknown

Cover image: Religion by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Kyuss by Unknown


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