Quorlinn Character in The Azure Sea | World Anvil


The Trickster, The Magpie

Quorlinn is the Kenku deity of Trickery, Disguise, and Thievery.   Quorlinn appears as a typical Kenku wearing a black mask and fairly non-descript clothing. Quorlinn is a likable, roguish trickster. He has a tinge of malice about him at times, but he has also aided races other than his own. He spends much of his time whining about the responsibilities imposed upon him by a race he didn't choose to have created in his image.   Quorlinn is easily irritated, bad-tempered, snappy, and fickle, but not actually evil. He whines constantly about the responsibility of caring for the Kenku, complaining that it weighs him down. He is not uncaring, however.   Quorlinn teaches disguise, magic, and thievery to help the Kenku survive, for he fears he is too weak to protect them himself.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Disguise, Thievery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is a mask with a two birds eyes peering out.

Tenets of Faith

Quorlinn is worshipped mainly by kenku.   His priests and shamans are the most cunning and deceitful of Kenku kind. They work as spies, masterminding kidnapping operations, and set up traps and ambushes, but also work to rescue Kenku slaves, which they are bound to do. Cells and spy rings of priests gather up and hoard all kinds of secrets, though most of them are petty, and refuse to share with other groups with childish stubbornness. Priests of Quorlin are often also capable thieves.   Quorlinn doesn't bother to send omens to his followers, let alone avatars. Even his priests have to whine at him for spells, and only get them three-quarters of the time.
Divine Classification

Quorlinn's Symbol by Unknown

Cover image: Religion by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Quorlinn by Unknown


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