Kingdom of Lavonia Settlement in The Arbour Coast | World Anvil

Kingdom of Lavonia

Lavonia was founded as a new kingdom to the north of the Kingdom of Markia, following the signing of the peace treaty known as The Split. The founding of Lavonia was the result of exiled ruling houses who were allowed to establish a new kingdom free from the aggressions of Markia. At first, Lavonia was dependent on Markia for resources and support, but over time the kingdom grew in strength and prosperity. The leaders of Lavonia were determined to build a kingdom that was independent and self-sufficient, and they worked tirelessly to establish strong economic, political, and military ties with neighboring kingdoms.   Lavonia quickly became known for its rich natural resources, its skilled craftsmen, and its strong army. The kingdom established trade routes with other settlements and demihuman kingdoms, and its economy flourished as a result. The leaders of Lavonia also made sure to establish a strong legal system and to protect the rights of all citizens, which helped to secure the kingdom's place as a major power in the region.   As Lavonia grew stronger, it became fully independent of Markia and established itself as a powerful kingdom in its own right. The kingdom of Lavonia and the Kingdom of Markia maintained a tamed relationship, with regular diplomatic exchanges and joint military operations to heal old wounds, but Lavonia was free to pursue its own interests and goals, free from the influence of Markia.   The Kingdom of Lavonia might be a newer presence on the coast but has established itself as the second leading human power of the region. Lavonia is situated on the coast and surrounded by lush greenery. The city is protected by high walls and watchtowers that overlook the sea, with a large harbor that serves as the lifeblood of the city's trade and commerce. The streets are narrow and winding, lined with markets and shops selling everything from exotic spices and silks to rare books and unique poultices. Lavonia is also known for its skilled craftsmen and artisans, who produce intricate works of art, jewelry, and armor.   The city is governed by a royal family face and a council of sages, who reside in a grand castle overlooking the harbor. The Lavonians are rumored to have glints of magical abilities in their bloodline that surfaced after the separation from Markia. The people of Lavonia are fairly open to a diverse population. Biases against magic-users, no matter how rare an individual might be, are not a prevalent as they would be in other regions of the coast.   The Lavonians are also a deeply religious people just as the Markians are as their temples and shrines are a prominent feature of the city. They believe just as strongly in Unconquered Sol and perform elaborate ceremonies and rituals just as those in the Kingdom of Markia. The Lavonians take pride in their rich cultural heritage, and they celebrate it with colorful festivals of their royal colors of reds, whites, and golds in processions throughout the year in a bloom of colors. They are a welcoming and hospitable people, always eager to share their traditions and customs with visitors of all demihumans.


The Kingdom of Lavonia is a diverse city, with a wide range of social classes and backgrounds represented among its human population. At the upper end of the social scale, there are wealthy merchants and noble families who control the city's commerce and political life. Many of these families can trace their roots back to the original founders of Lavonia, who were primarily wealthy Markian families who were drawn to the area by its strategic location and abundant natural resources after being exiled. At the other end of the social scale are the working classes, who make up the vast majority of Lavonia's population. These people are primarily employed in agriculture, fishing, and various trades such as blacksmithing, carpentry, and leatherworking. Many are recent immigrants who have come to the city in search of better opportunities, while others are the descendants of families who have lived in the area for generations.   In recent years, the city has also seen an influx of demihumans, including halflings, dwarves, and elves. These groups have established their own distinct communities within Lavonia, and have made significant contributions to the city's culture and economy. Halflings are known for their skill in agriculture and animal husbandry, and many have found work on Lavonia's farms and ranches. Dwarves, with their expertise in stonemasonry and metalworking, have become highly sought after as artisans and craftsmen. Elves, known for their wise council, have established themselves as performer, scolars, and artists, and have contributed to the city's vibrant knowledge base and theater scenes. While there is some tension between these different groups, Lavonia is generally seen as a welcoming and tolerant city, where people of all backgrounds and walks of life can find a home.


The Kingdom of Lavonia is a hereditary monarchy, with a royal family at the helm of the government. The monarch serves as the head of state and wields significant executive power, although the kingdom has a system of checks and balances to ensure that the monarch's power is not absolute. The council of sages, on the other hand, serves as the legislative branch of the government. It is composed of elected representatives from the various regions of the kingdom, as well as advisors appointed by the monarch. The council has the power to make laws and set policy, although it must work in conjunction with the monarch to ensure that its policies align with the goals of the government.   One of the reasons that Lavonia has grown so quickly into a regional powerhouse is due to its strong and efficient government. The kingdom has been able to establish favorable trade relationships with neighboring kingdoms of the demihumans and has invested heavily in infrastructure, particularly in its ports and naval capabilities. This has allowed Lavonia to become a key player in the region's economy and has made it a hub for trade and commerce.   In addition to its human population, Lavonia is also home to a significant population of demihumans, including halflings, dwarves, and elves. These groups have been welcomed into the kingdom and have been able to integrate into its society, with many working in skilled trades or as merchants.


Lavonia has a few key defenses to protect itself from external threats:
  • A strong navy: Lavonia has a powerful navy that patrols the waters around the kingdom, protecting it from seaborne attacks. The navy is equipped with the latest naval technology, including trebuchets, battering rams, and grappling hooks.
  • A series of fortifications: The kingdom has a series of forts and walls that protect it from land-based attacks. These fortifications are manned by a well-trained and disciplined army that is equipped with the latest weapons and armor.
  • Hidden tunnels and secret passages: Lavonia has a network of hidden tunnels and secret passages that allow its defenders to move around undetected. These tunnels are well-maintained and well-guarded, and are only known to a select few.
  • Elite guards: The royal family of Lavonia maintains an elite guard unit that is responsible for protecting the figurehead, as well as the most important areas of the kingdom. The guards are highly trained and are equipped with the best weapons and armor. They are also sworn to protect the kingdom at all costs, even if it means sacrificing their own lives.


Lavonia boasts a well-developed infrastructure that is constantly expanding due to the kingdom's growing power and influence in the region. The roads are made of smooth cobblestones, with intricate patterns of reds, yellows, and whites adorning the sides. The city is dotted with grand stone buildings, including the palace and various administrative buildings, which also prominently feature the kingdom's royal colors. The docks are bustling with activity, with a well-maintained harbor filled with ships from various lands, including Lavonia's own growing fleet. The city is also equipped with a reliable water supply system, with fountains and aqueducts bringing fresh water from nearby mountain streams. Overall, Lavonia's infrastructure is a testament to the kingdom's wealth and power, as well as its commitment to maintaining a high standard of living for its citizens and visitors.   As for the demihumans, they have contributed to Lavonia's infrastructure by bringing their unique skills and expertise to various fields, from stonemasonry and metalworking to agriculture and craftsmanship. Their presence has enriched Lavonia's culture and economy, as well as further solidifying the kingdom's position as a growing powerhouse in the region.


  • Royal District: The heart of Lavonia, where the palace and the council hall are located. The district is surrounded by high walls, and the main entrance is adorned with a grand archway in the kingdom's colors of reds, yellows, and white. The district is home to the nobility, wealthy merchants, and artisans. Unique locations include the palace gardens, the royal library, and the grand marketplace.
  • Harbor District: The main trade center of Lavonia, where ships from all over the region dock. The district is bustling with activity, with merchants selling goods from all over the world, and sailors and adventurers looking for work. Unique locations include the shipyards, the fish market, and the infamous Pirate's Den.
  • Temple District: A peaceful and spiritual district, where Lavonians come to pray and seek guidance from the gods. The district is home to many temples, including the grand Temple of the Sun, dedicated to Unconquered Sol. Unique locations include the quiet gardens surrounding the temples, the grand coliseum where religious tournaments are held, and the mysterious Temple of Shadows, hidden and rumored to be a center for dark magic.
  • Artisan District: The district is home to the kingdom's craftsmen and tradespeople. The district is a hive of activity, with blacksmiths, carpenters, and leatherworkers creating goods that are sold in markets across the kingdom. Unique locations include the Grand Foundry, where the kingdom's finest weapons and armor are forged, the Clothiers' Guild, where the finest fabrics and clothing are made, and the Alchemist's Tower, where magical potions and elixirs are experimented with.
  • Demihuman District: A district reserved for the demihumans who have moved to Lavonia. The district is home to a wide variety of races, including halflings, dwarves, and elves. Unique locations include the Halfling market, where exotic herbs and spices are sold, the Dwarfhold, a massive underground complex carved out by dwarven miners, and the Elven enclave, a serene forest glade in the heart of the district, where elves practice and hone their skills.
Population Density
Humans - 79%
Halflings - 4%
Dwarves - 9%
Elves - 5%
Half-Orcs  - 3%

The Red Rose, Lavonia's Army 

Founding Date
2431 TA, 21 Windcrest
13,000 inhabitants
Related Ethnicities
Included Locations