The Black Roses Organization in The Anima Universe | World Anvil

The Black Roses

The Black Roses is an independent organization created by Dr. Kira Grace, Dr Alexander Noctis, and Octavia Jones during the War of Revelation. It is an organization that encompasses many different spheres of influence but it is most well known to the public as the orgainzation that hunts demons. The Black Roses is also the only organization on the planet who primarily hires Noctis providing them with all sorts of services such as affordable housing and medical care.


The Black Roses as an organization is one that refuses to rely on government funding/grants and therefore has very diverse funding sources to sustain its operations.

Private Donations & Philanthropy

Individuals and philanthropic organizations who share The Black Roses' mission provide generous donations to support its activities. High-net-worth individuals, foundations, and charitable organizations actively contribute to advancing the cause and safeguarding humanity. . The organization actively cultivates relationships with potential donors, sharing its successes and the impact of its work to inspire continued support.

Corporate Sponsorships

Companies that value social responsibility and align with The Black Roses’ values generously offer financial sponsorships and support. In return, The Black Roses extends public recognition and mutually beneficial partnerships. Corporate sponsorships often extend beyond mere financial contributions, as companies may offer expertise, technology, or resources that further enhance The Black Roses' capabilities.

Membership Fees & Dues

Committed members of The Black Roses regularly pay membership fees and dues, ensuring a consistent and reliable source of income for the organization. This financial commitment not only bolsters the organization's finances but also fosters a close-knit community. Membership benefits, such as access to specialized training and exclusive resources, incentivize individuals to become active participants and financial supporters of The Black Roses.

Merchandising & Branding

The Black Roses strategically develops and markets merchandise, encompassing a range of items like clothing, accessories, collectibles, books, and even digital content., all intricately tied to the captivating world of demon hunting and supernatural themes. Sales of these items generate substantial revenue, tapping into the fascination of the broader public with the supernatural. The organization leverages its iconic branding to create a sense of belonging among its supporters, driving merchandise sales and financial support.

Research & Development Contracts

Collaborations with prestigious research institutions, renowned universities, and innovative private companies result in lucrative contracts for specialized research in demonology, weaponry, and related fields. These contracts represent a vital source of research funding, propelling The Black Roses' knowledge and capabilities forward. The organization actively seeks out partners interested in advancing cutting-edge technologies and methodologies for combating supernatural threats.

The Academies

The Black Roses' academies offer exclusive training programs and comprehensive courses designed to nurture the skills and expertise of aspiring demon hunters. Tuition fees for access to high-quality training, exceptional resources, and unmatched knowledge. The organization continuously innovates its curriculum to attract aspiring demon hunters seeking world-class training, ensuring a consistent source of income while expanding its network of skilled operatives.

Public Events & Fundraisers

The organization orchestrates a variety of captivating events, including seminars, workshops, galas, and fundraisers. Beyond raising awareness, these events generate substantial funds through ticket sales, sponsorship agreements, and the generous contributions of attendees who share The Black Roses' vision. The organization actively promotes these events through various channels, leveraging its reputation to attract both attendees and sponsors.

Humanitarian Initiatives

The Black Roses' humanitarian efforts, dedicated to aiding communities ravaged by demon attacks, attract significant grants and funding from organizations specializing in disaster relief and recovery. These funds ensure that The Black Roses can make a meaningful impact on affected populations while also securing vital financial support for its mission. The organization maintains a transparent and accountable approach to the use of humanitarian funds, building trust with donors.

Resource Allocation Profits

Engaging in resource allocation activities, such as mining for materials crucial for weaponry, yields a surplus of valuable materials that can be sold on the market. The income generated from these surplus resources bolsters The Black Roses' financial resilience. The organization actively manages its resource allocation operations to optimize profits while ensuring the sustainable use of these resources for its demon-fighting endeavors.

Licensing & Intellectual Property

The organization strategically licenses its invaluable intellectual property, encompassing research findings, cutting-edge technologies, and pioneering methodologies. These licensing agreements yield a consistent revenue stream through royalties and groundbreaking collaborations. The Black Roses actively explores opportunities to license its expertise to private companies, and research institutions seeking to combat supernatural threats.

Partnerships with Supernatural Entities

Within the context of The Black Roses, alliances with benevolent supernatural beings have proved invaluable. These entities willingly provide resources or lend their assistance in exchange for the organization's protection and collaboration, offering a truly unique and indispensable source of support. The organization maintains diplomatic channels and relationships with these entities, ensuring the mutual benefit of these partnerships.

Chrysanthemum Tourism

Chrysanthemum, the grand headquarters of The Black Roses, holds an undeniable allure that extends beyond its status as a functional facility. It has become a unique destination for individuals intrigued by the enigmatic world of demon hunting, supernatural beings, and the organization's remarkable endeavors. The tourism aspects of Chrysanthemum offer visitors a glimpse into the secretive world of The Black Roses while celebrating its architecture, history, and contributions.

The Hyacinth

The Hyacinth trains, owned by The Black Roses, generate revenue through various means, making them a self-sustaining venture for the organization.



The director of The Black Roses is in charge of the day-to-day activities of The Black Roses overall and makes sure that each of the departments are collaborating smoothly, sharing information, working towards the common objectives of The Black Roses, which include protecting humanity from demon threats and advancing Noctis rights in any way they can. They make sure that the organization's actions remain aligned with its ethical principles and values ensuring that the pursuit of power does not ever compromise the greater good.


The Head of the Academies as the highest ranking authority within them lead and manage the overall operations of the Academy. They are responsible for creating and maintaining a productive and organized learning environment for Noctis students and overseeing the day-to-day administration, scheduling, and coordination of activities, ensuring that the academy's resources are used effectively.

Head of the Science Department

The Head of the Science Department is responsible for reviewing and approving research proposals and experiments conducted within the organization and ensuring that all studies align with The Black Roses’ ethical guidelines and objectives. They maintain high standards for research methodologies and quality, maintaining the credibility and validity of the organization's scientific endeavors. The Head of the Science Department must possess a deep understanding of various scientific fields, including technology, demonology, weaponry, and Noctis biology in order to provide guidance and insights to researchers and teams.

Head of The Intelligence Department

The Head of the Intelligence Department oversees the collection of data from various sources, including surveillance, informants, demon encounters, and global monitoring systems. They coordinate the analysis of collected data to identify patterns, trends, and potential threats, which informs the basis for strategic decision-making within the organization. The Head of the Intelligence Department compiles and presents intelligence reports to the Director. These reports often inform decisions related to operations, tactics, and resource allocation.

Head of The Department of Resources

The Head of The Department of Resources manages the organization's financial resources, overseeing budgeting, expenditure, and financial planning to ensure efficient use of funds for various Black Roses initiatives. They manage the procurement, maintenance, and distribution of equipment, supplies, and assets needed by demon hunters and other departments. As the head of The Department of Resources they collaborate with other department heads to align resource allocation with organizational priorities, ensuring that essential needs are met for research, training, and field operations. They develop strategies for sustainable resource management, including long-term investment in equipment, infrastructure, and other essential resources.

Head of the Public Relations and Outreach Department

As the Head of the Public Relations and Outreach Department, they are responsible for overseeing efforts to create and maintain a positive and trustworthy image for The Black Roses. This includes crafting and implementing strategies that portray the organization as a dedicated protector of humanity against supernatural threats. Developing and executing effective communication strategies is a core responsibility. The head ensures that messaging related to The Black Roses' mission, values, and activities is communicated clearly and persuasively to the public.

Demonology Advisor

The Demonology Advisor is a key member of The Black Roses’ leadership team who specializes in the study of demons and other supernatural entities. Their role is to provide expert advice, insights, and guidance to the board on matters related to demon behavior, weaknesses, characteristics, and strategies for effective demon hunting. It is the Demonology Advisor’s responsibility to analyze data, historical records, and firsthand encounters to identify patterns and vulnerabilities.

Noctis Liaison

The Noctis Liaison serves as a dedicated advocate and bridge between The Black Roses and external communities, governments, and organizations. Their primary focus is to represent the interests of Noctis individuals in interactions with the outside world, counteract misinformation, and promote positive relations. They foster connections with external entities such as government agencies, media outlets, and NGOs to promote accurate understanding of The Black Roses' mission and the contributions of Noctis individuals. The Noctis Liaison works to raise public awareness about The Black Roses' status as an all Noctis organization and correct misconceptions or biased narratives perpetuated by external sources.

Humanitarian Coordinator

The Humanitarian Coordinator plays a crucial role in The Black Roses' efforts to provide aid, relief, and support to communities affected by demon attacks. They ensure that the organization's response to supernatural threats includes a strong focus on the well-being of impacted populations. The Humanitarian Coordinator develops strategies and plans for responding to demon-related incidents that impact human communities, including evacuation, relief efforts, and support systems. They collaborate with local authorities, government agencies, and other relief organizations to ensure effective coordination of humanitarian efforts.

Demon Hunters

Demon Hunters are a profession under The Black Roses. They are a specialized group of people tasked with killing and hunting demons. Demon Hunters are put into teams of four when they are in the academy and if things go well that's the team you will be taking with you into the field. Demon Hunter teams are given code names such as GHOST, COLOR, or STORM in order to tell each demon hunter team apart.

Demon Slayers

While Demon Hunters form the specialized strike force of The Black Roses, Demon Slayers make up the general army that supports the organization's operations. Demon Slayers are stationed strategically across key locations within the Dead Zone and are responsible for safeguarding critical areas, communities, and infrastructure from demonic threats. They play a crucial role in maintaining security, responding to emergencies, and contributing to the overall defense of humanity.


Most members of the Black Roses are extremely distrustful of not only most government agencies but also humans in general and will often go out of their way to avoid them when they can. Of course while some members distrust humans and most even straight up dislike them all members believe in humanity as a whole. They believe that humanity can and should do better. That they are, that they have to be worth protecting. Worth saving. Members of the Black Roses always try to be the type of people who sees the glass as half full and not half empty. The Black Roses pride themselves on being kind and useful and because of this most members are extremely active in their communities and are well liked and respected within them.

Public Agenda

The Black Roses’ main goal as an organization is to protect humanity from demons and to figure out a way to close the gates of hell and stop the demons for good. While their secondary goal is provide better and more stable lives for Noctis across the globe.


The Black Roses was born out of the scientific research project of Dr. Alexander Noctis and Dr. Kira Grace known as Project Noctis. The project was build off of the hypothesis that demon DNA could be mixed with human DNA and the pervious work of scientist Dr. John Mercy during his time working at R.O.M.A.N, a secret government agency specializing in genetic modification created during the cold war by the US. This hypothesis would be proven correct in 2035 when Dr. Grace would emerge as the world's very first first half demon half human hybrid later to be named the Homo Demonic Noctis.   After this, The Black Roses which first created as a military branch meant to combat the onslaught of demon attacks on the earth on a near-daily base and they were able to push Lucifer and his army back far enough that they could build walls around every major city on the planet in order to protect what was left of humanity. Now after what would later become known as The War of Revelation Dr. Kira Grace, Octavia Jones, and Dr. Alexander Noctis pushed for the Black Roses’ independence as its own thing separate from the governments of the world in order to be more of use to humanity as a whole. And to make sure that no government could use The Black Roses as leverage against another nation.   There was of course some push back headed by the US but in the end they won and the Black Roses were free to operate in any way they saw fit, which led to a lot of hostility between the governments and the Black Roses. Most nations just used propaganda to make the citizens not trust the Black Roses and as a result the Noctis as a whole but the US, like always, took things to the extreme. The US put laws into place that restricted the rights of Noctis and stripped them of the right to protect themselves which led to many, many deaths. They did this in hopes that this would weaken the Black Roses enough that they would need to rely on government support to remain as powerful as they are.   So far this has not worked.   In order to train the next gen of Black Roses Dr. Kira Grace, set up five academies on 5 of the 7 continents.

Guardians of Humanity

The Departments

The Department of Education

The Department of Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of demon hunting by overseeing the training and development of Noctis students who aspire to become skilled demon hunters. It manages The Black Roses' academies, which serve as the cradle of knowledge and expertise for the next generation of protectors against supernatural threats.

The Science Department

The Science Department is at the forefront of The Black Roses' mission, dedicated to advancing knowledge and technology in demonology, weaponry, and Noctis biology. Through cutting-edge research and development, this department empowers demon hunters with the tools, knowledge, and understanding necessary to combat supernatural threats effectively.

The Intelligence Department

The Intelligence Department is the vigilant guardian of knowledge within The Black Roses, dedicated to the relentless pursuit of information concerning supernatural threats, with a primary focus on demons and other malevolent entities. Its mission is to gather, analyze, and disseminate critical intelligence to empower demon hunters in their mission to protect humanity.

The Department of Resources

The Department of Resources serves as the financial and logistical backbone of The Black Roses, playing a pivotal role in ensuring the organization's sustainability and effectiveness in combating supernatural threats. This department is charged with managing and optimizing the allocation of resources to support various critical aspects of The Black Roses' mission, including research, training, and field operations.

The Public Relations & Outreach Department

The Public Relations and Outreach Department of The Black Roses is tasked with the critical responsibility of managing the organization's public image, communication strategies, and outreach initiatives. This department plays a pivotal role in building trust, awareness, and support among the general public.

Noctis Rights Department

The Noctis Rights Department is dedicated to advocating for and safeguarding the rights, equality, and well-being of Noctis individuals beyond the confines of The Black Roses organization. Given that The Black Roses exclusively comprises Noctis members, their mission extends to ensuring the betterment of Noctis people in broader society.

The Humanitarian Department

The Humanitarian Department of The Black Roses is driven by a core mission to provide vital aid, relief, and support to communities adversely affected by demon attacks. They understand the profound impact these supernatural threats can have on innocent lives, and their commitment extends beyond demon hunting to humanitarian assistance.

Members of The Black Roses

Members of The Black Roses are different from employees within the Black Roses. Members are almost entirely independent from the org and do not have answer to the Head of any of the departments or the director. However members do have to pay a certain amount in membership fees and dues each month. There are many different types of members: independent researchers, demon hunter fan clubs, Hyacinth Pass owners, etc. 

Employees of The Black Roses

Employees of The Black Roses are different from members, while members are almost entirely independent from the org and do not have to answer to the Head of any of the departments or the director and pay a monthly or annual fee. Employees are workers within the organization meaning they get paid and answer to official leaders. They often work in one of the Black Roses departments or are demon hunters or demon slayers.
Founding Date
September 14th, 2040
Political, independent
Alternative Names
The Roses
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Related Species

Character flag image: The Black Roses Logo by CelestiaNightamre16


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